Traffic Jam

I feel helpless and scattered in two, you know

I need a drop of sanity to save my soul

I don’t often ask for things that way

It’s never really been a major goal

Always bending to and fro

Never knowing where to turn

I’ve lost myself in the shadows of choice

And daylight’s starting to burn

Whoever wanted me to be this way

Sure picked a funny voice in the crowd

I never thought of seeing the message

I’ve always drifted high on my cloud

I see things that aren’t always there

Don’t know if you can see them too

It’s obvious, really, once you stare long enough

Try, and you can see them too

I usually figure things out by myself

I always feel better that way

It’s getting harder to find the edge all alone

And I’m scared of what they will say

I really feel tired most of the time

The caffeine persona is rather a guise

If I don’t do it, then who else will?

There, isn’t that a nice batch of lies?

I think I’m right most of the time,

Really quite charming and deep

Such pretty things I’ve told to myself

That prove themselves wrong in my sleep

I’m anxious and jumpy, moody and strange

I don’t hide it very well at all

They tell me I’ve got to be centered and kind

I try very hard and I just hit the wall

She tells me I’m wrong, I tell me I’m right

Don’t know who to believe anymore

I’m leaning towards her visions of my life

I’ve heard her tell it all before

Got to get busy, got to get moving

Before sand runs through my toes

Don’t think I’m ready, don’t want to leave here

Not ready to change out of these clothes

How can she be better than me?

How am I wrong all the time?

Why are her visions all better than mine?

Who is she to judge how high I should climb?

I feel torn in two between her thoughts and mine

Can never make up my mind

Always fretting, is this the right way?

What am I leaving behind?

Don’t know if you’ll care about it by now

But my little slice of life is quite mad

I hope you’ll understand where I’m coming from

And don’t tell me how I’m being bad

Or mean or vindictive or lazy or cruel

Or stupid and not really thinking

I see exactly what color the light is

A nice shade of yellow that’s blinking