
I'm adding the dates and whosits of recent updates, as it's probably driving my small (but loyal!) posse of devotees nuts trying to figure what's going on.


Added Lilith 4/20/99. Added The Way of Twilight 6/25/99. Added the elves of the forest 8/12/99. Added The Spirit's Lament and Kalidasa 8/13/99. Also, I'm changing the "Teen Angst" title to "General Angst". FINALLY added Chapter Too of Saril Aga 9/12...Whew! Told ya I'm a slow writer! Added Waiting and The Act of Being Lost. Updated Chapter Too of Saril Aga. 9/18/99. Added Chapter Free of Saril Aga 11/25/99. 12/21/99: Added a truly schmaltzy children's short story I wrote in class and presumed good enough to add onto this site. It's entitled Billy Bluegill Learns the True Meaning of Christmas. Don't say I didn't warn you... 12/24/99: Removed Billy Bluegill... because I plan on publishing that puppy, and no amount of copyright warnings will rid me of paranoia. Sorry, you'll just have to wait til Billy comes out on paper.


2/23/00: Ai-ya! Haven't updated in a real long time, eh? Well, not much now either, just added a bit more of Chapter Free of Saril Aga 3/9/00: Removed Daydream...oh shit. While attempting to "spring clean" my links, I accidentally swept away that piece...and it's the only version too. It's nowhere on paper, just computer. Well, it wasn't THAT good anyway..."Those grapes were probably sour!" But to make up for it, I've got a HELLUVA lotta updates...lemme think, five or six at least: My Generation Gap, The Way of Twilight, Golden Afternoon, Hidden, Venus d'Lune, The Waking Dreamer, and Tossed Away. Wow, seven. 3/29/00: Lucy Lawless's birthday. For those of you not "in the know", she's the fab-U-mite chick who plays Xena. Bewdy baby! To celebrate I'm re-introducing the fan fic that previously never saw the light of day. Haven't decided on a title yet, but once I do you can be bloody well sure it'll be found here on this site; I may even shop around to find a well-known host site to display my little gem on. And for those of you asking, yes, this is the Apollo/Daphne story. I revised, redesigned, and re-edited the hell out of it, to near-unrecognition, and I hope it's fit to post. It's sitting rotting away in my Microsoft Word program this very minute. 4/4/00: No, haven't added the fan fic yet...getting there though. In addition to adding a few new poems (and words of wisdom), I've included a new category for poetry: Silent Observations. These are poems that aren't quite wacky and randomly off-the-wall to qualify as trippy, nor full of romance or angst. Simply stuff I see and write about, like water or snow or whatever. I'm reorganizing the site a bit to accommadate this category. 4/23/00: Added link and e-mail addy to LittleGirlBlue's site...if you're looking for some excellent thought-provoking poetry, head on over to Blue's place. 4/26/00: Pwaise Hestia! I added the infamous fan fiction...kinda rough around the edges right now (it doesn't even have a name yet), but it's there...or part of it. I'll add the rest later (writer's cramp), but the important thing is, it's up. Break out the champagne and confetti. 4/27/00: Added a short story written in the wee hours last night while I was bored and attempting to continue my fan fic. Circumstance was the result. Enjoy! 4/30/00: Updated fan fic a bit...not much, but it's nearly twice as long now so...I hope that matters. 5/2/00: Small update to Circumstance. 5/3/00: 'Nother small update to Circumstance...well, a bit more than small. It's growing. 5/4/00: Yet another update to Circumstance...this thing's gonna be a full-length novel before I'm done with it. 5/8/00: Added a bit to Circumstance...finished this chapter. That's right: this chapter. While finishing what's on-line, a few more ideas popped into my head...the continuing adventures of Serbindi and The Professor (and no he's not gonna have a name...if you know me, you'll know who he is :) 5/16/00: I found a publishing company for Circumstance. I have realized Saril Aga shall never attain the heights of paperback, so I'm starting fresh with Circumstance. Not to fear, it'll still be on my site. However, I also know I don't want anyone to, ahem, "borrow" it? So I have now officially COPYRIGHTED my book! That's right! All the rest of my work too! BWA HA HAAA! Oh, and I'll be adding another chapter tomorrow...I've been unable to access my 'puter for awhile, and thusly no updates for the past week. Oh, and don't forget...IT'S COPYRIGHTED!!! A HAAAHAAAHAAAHAA!!! 5/17/00: Added the second chapter of my little opus. It's growing...and there's a surprise guest from Saril Aga. So sue me, I like the name. It's not the same character, though they do share certain similarities. Kinda think of it as an Uber version! 5/18/00: Added the link to my first site (and what I think of as my Home Sweet Home page), the Gaming Site. I've been meaning to get around to it, and finally did so. 5/23/00: As you may have noticed, the giant wad of Updates has been cleared away, giving my page a fresh, clean minty-fresh taste. Not to fret, you can still find the old Updates here. Melts in your mouth, not on your keyboard. Enjoy! 5/28/00: Updated part two of Circumstance, and completed the chapter (hee hee). Also, you know that short story I wrote around Christmas that I had up for maybe two days, then yanked off for fear of plagarism? Of course you don't. Well, it's back! Re-introducing...Billy Bluegill Learns The True Meaning of Christmas! And this time around, that puppy's copyright. ALSO (boy I've been a busy little beaver) added Martin's Moon, a children's story about a little mouse with big hopes. 6/1/00: Added the third chapter of my little opus...not much, Serbindi just felt like a little fishing. Also--Pwaise Hestia!--seriously updated the Xena fan fic...not much better, but there's more of it. :) 6/2/00: Added Secret Faith, Broken, Madness is Catching and Falling. 6/13/00: Updated Circumstance...not much new, still at the ol' fishing hole. 6/20/00: Cooking dinner in Circumstance...Serbindi's a hungry girl. 6/29/00: Oy. It's about 3:30 am, and I just added a piece I wrote about 15 minutes ago. You know how it is, when you have something in your head before you sleep, and you have to get it down before it disappears? In my case, the result was The Warrior Princess Strikes Back, a Xena/Star Wars parody crossover. I hope my sleepless night was worth it to you, gentle reader. 6/30/00: Updated The Warrior Princess Strikes Back. Corrected some typos caused by late-night brain drain, and added short vinigette relating why Gungans and automatic weaponry is a bad combination. 7/12/00: Updated Circumstance...Mabenti lets a little secret slip. And yes, I do watch too much Xena. :) 8/18/00: Updated Circumstance...nothing much, just an excuse for them to let their hair down. I know I've been late in updates, but I've got a few poems and stuff in my Word program, and I'll be adding those very soon. 8/21/00: Well, I told you I would update soon, and here it is. I was feeling a bit...frisky a few weeks ago, and Primeval was the result. Also added Pale Truth...ai-ya, I need a boyfriend. :( 9/27/00: Added Sleep of Ten Thousand Dreams, Dark Angel, and Light. 10/12/00: Added Wintertime and Manipulation and Vengeance...Pumpkin, I think you're rubbing off on me! :) 10/27/00: Updated Circumstance...a question of origin. 11/5/00: Added Chapter 4 of Circumstance...a couple small chats. 11/12/00: Added an analysis of my latest obsession, the blithely bizarre Labyrinth. This is your brain. This is your brain on Labyrinth. Kids, don't try this at home. 11/15/00: Added small piece to Labyrinth review, concerning Sir Didymus. 11/25/00: Added quite a bit to the Labyrinth review, regarding Sarah and Jareth's bond. 12/4/00: Expanded chapter 4 of Circumstance, including a small revelation on Serbindi's part, and a chat between Mabenti and the Professor. Caution: Circumstance is officially PG-13 now...you'll see why when you get to it. Also, added teensy paragraph to Labyrinth analysis, on one possible meaning of the peach. 12/5/00: Just BARELY midnight, but it still counts as tomorrow! Anywho, added Perfection, Vulpus, Labyrinth (yes it IS loosely inspired by the film, and I couldn't think up a creative title, so there it is), and Object of My Perfection (again, sorry about the matching names, but I'm on a brain drain). 12/16/00: Added a few pieces to Labyrinth analysis, mostly on parental roles and the sexual issues thereof.


1/9/01: First update of the new (real) Millenium...added a bit to Chapter 4 of Circumstance; finished the chapter, in fact. Also, updated Labyrinth analysis a bit...not much, just more sexual symbolism in the ballroom scene. Ai-ya, I need mental help. 2/1/01: Added Echo of Midnight, Heartsblood and Promise Built on Faith (yeah, I'm running out of creative titles. So sue me. It's three in the frickin' morning). 3/10/01: Added teensy paragraph to Labyrinth analysis, Ice, and an old poem, Nature, that I dug up out of mothballs. 3/14/01: Added a BUNCH of new stuff to the Labyrinth analysis, including a section on Jareth's specific powers, and a comparison of the parental niches Jareth and Hoggle fill. 4/14/01: As you probably noticed, I changed the heading. It no longer has the flippant monniker of Another Damn Budding Poet...I thought that that was a bit crass, and since I am trying to get my work noticed, I should make the heading more dignified. Plus it's embarassing to link to in Instant Messages. Anywho, I hope you like my Cozy Poetry Nook. I know I do. 4/15/01: Happy Easter! Added quite a bit more near the end of the Labyrinth Analysis, on Jareth's social life (or lack thereof). Also, cleared away a large section of old Updates. 4/21/01: Well, I finally did it. *phew* Added another chapter of Circumstance! And, not only that...I reformatted the design so it's not quite so clunky. I sure like the sleek new look...I hope you all do too. 4/29/01: Updated Circumstance...Serbindi doesn't like to have her space invaded...heh. 5/12/01: Updated Labyrinth analysis. 5/14/01: Added Diana, a short piece of fiction that could be considered my first Uberfic (although it is somewhat vague). It also deals with alternative romance, however mild. You have been warned. 5/24/01: Whew, just barely midnight! Updated Labyrinth Analysis, as regards Jareth's potential for omnipotence. 6/27/01: Updated quite a bit to Labyrinth Analysis, with comments on Alternate Universe Jareth from the rough draft. 7/23/01: Noticed I hadn't updated in quite awhile, so here we go. Added a couple paragraphs to Labyrinth Analysis, comparing Sarah's role in the script vs the film; added barely enough to Circumstance to even be worth mentioning; and finally added three poems: Time Wasted, The Letter, and The Never Little Things. Enjoy! 8/16/01: Sorry I haven't been on for awhile. My puter caught a virus and decided to commit suicide, so I had to get a new one. Also, I was at GenCon, gazing with adoring worship at the ever-luminous Hudson Leick! and Alex Tydings! so that took me out of the loop for a few days as well. I will have pictures of an insanely happy me fawning all over Alex (couldn't get close enough to Hudson, dammit) as soon as I have access to a scanner. Anywho, the actual purpose of this update, was to announce I have a new analysis: The Nature of Subtext: An Exploration of Different Pairings in Various Fictional Genres. It's not too bad so far (I've barely scratched the surface of my proposed topics), but I will be discussing fairly controversial material in it that might freak people out (especially the bit about Sam and Frodo...heh heh). You have been warned. Also, I've cleared away the old Updates again, so you don't have to scroll through months of old crap that I'm sure you don't really give a flying flaming rat's ass about anyway, right? I thought so. 8/16/01: Yes, it APPEARS to be later in the day, but that other update was made at about 4 o'clock in the morning, and it's now about seven at night. Anywho, added a HECK of a lot to the subtext essay (more than doubled in length, I think), with about four additional potential subtextual couples, in as many different genres. Which ones, you ask? Well, read and find out! 8/17/01: I think I'm doing overkill for the lack of recent updates, but whatever. Updated Labyrinth analysis, listing fertility symbols; fixed link to Tossed Away; added Dark Angel and Shadow Play...methinks I've been reading a bit too much Vampire: The Masquerade! 8/17/01: Same day, about two hours later (making it a little past four in the morning...I gotta stop getting caffeinated root beer). Updated The Nature of Subtext, with observations on Luke Skywalker and Han Solo...told you it would get freaky. :) 8/18/01: Added discussion of Callisto to The Nature of Subtext. 8/20/01: Added a few paragraphs and random observations to my Labyrinth analysis, and changed the font color in it...instead of that horrid clashing orange color, it's now a pleasing light grey against dark blue. Very "crystal moon", I think. *g* It's also easier to read, I hope. 8/22/01: Added small paragraph to Labyrinth analysis pertaining to the interpretation of friendship. 8/26/01: Updated Labyrinth analysis (small paragraph on a rather oddly situated weapon) and subtext essay. You asked, Phil. *shrug* 9/9/01: Updated Labyrinth analysis, with various and sundry things, such as a list of the stuff in Sarah's room, and their Labryinthian counterparts. 9/24/01: Added a section devoted to my general theories and commentaries on life. This is not a diary or logbook; it will not be updated daily, or on a regular basis, just whenever I think up something new and entertaining. I also added a link to a seperate Labyrinth analysis by my friend Little Magpie, hosted here, that I found so interesting I am determined to include it linked to my own analysis. Also, added Traffic Jam and updated Labyrinth analysis with one VERY tiny paragraph; I finally figured out the mystery behind Jareth's hair. :) 10/11/01: Added The Imperative Unquenchable Crusade of Ongoing Existance; don't be put off by the intimidating title, it's really not all that scary. :) 10/17/01: Updated Maggie's analysis, with some expansion comparing Jareth to sylphs...folks, the similarities are eerie. Just read, and you'll see what I mean. I also updated my little theories page a few times in the last week, and forgot to list them in the updates log. Ah well. You may also notice I cleared the giant wad of updates again. 10/19/01: It's like 1:30 in the morning, but that still counts! Updated Little Magpie's analysis, with excerpts from e-mails that she sent me. 10/23/01: Absolutely updated the hell out of both my analysis, and Little Magpie's analysis. Mine has great big chunks added to it, and Maggie's is about twice as long (I think). 10/29/01: Added Dragonfly, AND (Justice--err, DC, you will be so proud of me) added the long-planned but never-written Zane Freiden Analysis! I've been trying to get this puppy off the ground for quite some time, but it never reached fruition until now. It's still a bit dusty and nowhere near complete, but it's there...I figured I'd been putting it off for so long, I should post it just to give me some incentive to update it. DC, this is for you. "Sah-lute!" 11/2/01: Updated Zane's analysis...expanded it quite a bit, actually; it's now twice as long (which come to think of it wasn't too hard, as it was rather short in the first place). 11/6/01: Added a few poems: Contradictions, Pedestal, and The Rise and Fall of Gigi Starlet...hee hee, I think we all know the inspiration for that. *blink* 11/14/01: I've been planning on seriously updating this site for quite some time, but never got around to it. Well, tah-daa! I now have a brand-new introduction, and background color! Ok, ok, it's not much...but it's a start. I also plan on putting up some actual, live, honest-to-goodness graphics up one of these days. Cross m'heart. 11/15/01: Updated Zane's Analysis, plus added a piece of fan fic that I've been writing for gods know how many months (still not finished). It's a rather odd genre, and I'm fairly sure the author would be rolling in her grave, should she read it, but...it's a Pride and Prejudice fan fiction (*sigh* Yes, I have sunk to the depths) entitled First Encounter. It's not finished yet...please don't kill me. I also added a poem: Voluminocity. 11/20/01: Updated about five paragraphs to Zane's Analysis...it's coming along quite nicely. 12/6/01: Added a Rants section (official title coming soon...hey, it's six o'clock in the morning. Give me a break.). It's pretty much what it sounds like...a collection of random observations that piss me off enough to write about them at insane hours. I've also included in it my doomed, decidedly non-mutual obsession with a nice Catholic boy, in a series of events that pretty much shaped who I am. I actually wrote it about a month ago, but didn't have the guts to post it. I located my intestines, and here it is. 12/11/01: Updated Zane's analysis (don't worry DC, it's coming along...), and added The Passing of Faith in the Strength of Hypocrisy. The title is long. The poem is not.


1/2/02: No, I'm not dead...I just haven't updated in a long time. To celebrate the new year, I'm going to start dredging up the past by posting poems I wrote several years ago (during my Walt Whitman/Tao Te Ching phase), beginning with Ode to a Pissed-Off Squirrel (and yes, this is one of the better ones! It's worth it though...I bet I'm the only site to have the word pissedsquirrel.html in the file name). Also added Paradox. 1/13/02: Okiday, updated an absolute shitload. First, a song...a Labyrinth-inspired parody of a Bowie song, entitled I Have Not Been To The Underground. I wrote this quite a few months ago, actually, and simply never got around to posting it. Ah well. *shrug* Next, a couple poems...Chimerical Narcissism and Difference in View. I have also updated both Zane’s analysis AND my Labyrinth analysis, and (boy, I’m on a roll) added a pseudo-childrens’ story that may or may not be a semi-serious comment on mortality and states of consciousness, depending on how you take it. I call it: Lessons from Lightbulbs. Oh, and I updated my Life Theories page too. Whew, d’ya think that’s enough? 3/14/02: Updated additional material to Chimerical Narcissism, and added a tiny paragraph to my Theories page. Yes, I know that's not a lot. I've been very involved in other projects lately. Forgive me. 3/27/02: Added Extinction. Also, I've been feeling slightly contemplative and yes, depressive about my ADD lately...I wrote quite a bit on that subject in my Rants section. 4/05/02: Added Immaculate Urge. 4/20/02: Added the long-promised review of A Kiss of Shadows. Have fun, DC. 4/21/02: Actually updated my Labyrinth analysis for the first time in months! It's a few small paragraphs near the end, pertaining to Sarah as a metaphor for God, and Jareth as Christ. Sort of. 4/25/02: Updated my A Kiss of Shadows review with a few new catagories and additional paragraphs. 4/29/02: Added short paragraph to rant about Mary Sue qualities inherent in Meredith Gentry of A Kiss of Shadows infamy. 5/29/02: Added a couple poems: Palindrone, a random collection of words scribbled on paper when I got the chance; and Peter and Betty Lou, a touching story of young love. Well, sort of. 6/3/02: Added Friends in Low Places. I also wrote a slightly silly rant today, a discussion on the trend of names, and gave it its own little corner. Vote on Caitlin for President!. And finally, I arranged my non-poetic works so that they're in alphabetical order. 6/11/02: Added an essay detailing the differences between hamsters and mice, and the advantages of the latter. I call it Mouse: The Other White Meat. 7/15/02: Due to unpopular demand, I have added a section devoted to select links I've acquired over the years. Please visit Eclectica. However, the page is still heavily under construction, because it's three in the goddamn morning and I forgot the links to half the sites. It will be fully functional within the next few days, as soon as I get a decent amount of sleep. 7/27/02: Added two essays: Twisted Sister, a fairly lengthy musing connecting my mental health to my early childhood, and 3-2-1 Contact, a rant on the drawbacks of contact lenses. 7/30/02: Added Penelope, an essay about my cat, and the defining event in my life. 7/31/02: You will please notice the massive updates I made to the format, in the hopes it will be easier to navigate...my non-poetic works have been organized and labelled according to genre: Analyses, Essays, Fiction, and Miscellaneous (stuff that didn't seem to fit anywhere). I also removed the wad of Updates, and placed the link to that category in Miscellaneous. 8/1/02: Wow, I've been working a lot lately! In my effort to make this site seem halfway professional, I eliminated the introductory biography, and added an expanded version to Miscellaneous. I also added a more professional copyright notice below. 8/4/02: Added a new analysis: The Mary Sue Phenomena in Published Literature and Popular Culture. It provides a detailed description of Mary Sue as a literary device, and gives examples of said device that are found in "respected" literature and film. 8/5/02: Removed the Rant section and replaced it with two separate and distinct rants: Nice Catholic Boys and Bisexuality and Stupid Male Ego. Technically these are the same rants from the section of that title; I just decided to give them separate links. Also added three poems: For All The Pessmists, Pygmalia, and Indiglow. The latter I actually wrote over a year ago; I just couldn't think up a title until recently. Ain't that the way. *shrug* 8/7/02: I can hardly believe I did it myself, but I actually updated chapter five of Circumstance, including a not-so-subtle in-joke at the expense of our old friend Mary Sue. :) 8/11/02: Added a new essay: Drycleaning's Most Wanted, a list of pet peeves I've tallied up from my workplace experience. 8/13/02: Cleaned the Updates a little. Also, I'm taking the opportunity to inform my fans (I know you're out there!) to ignore the semi-hostile warning in my biography. Feedback is welcome! The warning is for those who want to get into my cyber-knickers...thoughtful commentary on my work is most appreciated. Like any writer, I enjoy praise and constructive criticism. Feel free to e-mail or instant message me regarding my writing...I promise to answer all work-related e-mails and messages. 8/17/02: I've been reading up on Malkavian stuff again (rediscovered a wonderful site listed in Eclectica), and filled up on interesting brain candy in fiction form. Say hello to Apathy, Calamity and Misery. 8/21/02: Really not much...just a little limerick I wrote while thinking about DC's character. Read the very short Zane Limerick. 8/27/02: Added three poems, Communal Despair, Poison Butterfly, and Random Brain Music (Pekingese Rap). 8/28/02: It's about 4:30 in the morning, and I barely know what I'm typing, but I added a new essay detailing the vast benefits of small dogs, contrary to popular opinion. It is titled, imaginatively enough, In Defense of Little Dogs. 8/29/02: Added item #19 to my list of complaints in Drycleaning's Most Wanted. I also corrected In Defense of Little Dogs...a few insomnia-inspired typos that resulted from yesterday's post in the wee hours. 9/3/02: Happy birthday to me...I turn 21 today, a fact that is noted in my Biography. I also added Reproductive Repercussions, an essay on why I don't want kids, and updated a couple teensy paragraphs in The Nature of Subtext. 9/10/02: Added a link to The Almighty Guru's site, and fixed links to the Furry Dragons and hamster information sites. 9/11/02: Added a new poem, The Next Girl. Corrected a few mispellings in my Labyrinth analysis, and cleaned it up in general. Fear not, nothing has been removed...just reformatted the lists. 9/16/02: Added a new essay/rant, inspired by a conversation at work: Role-Playing is Evil! DC, I think you'll appreciate this. 9/19/02: I am so proud of me. Let me explain. A few days ago I rented the film Legend, and watched it. I became quickly enamoured of it, and mentioned to DC that I was considering doing an analysis of it. She jumped on the idea like white on rice, and encouraged me to do a bunch of analyses of fantasy films, since she apparently likes my Labyrinth analysis (I've been acclaimed for it, whaddya know?). The resulting product is my shiny-new Legend analysis. It's still rather rough, and kinda clunky, but it's coming along. It will probably bulk up over the next few days, weeks and months. Will it ever reach the towering status of my Labyrinth analysis? Only time will tell. 9/22/02: What follows are a few things I wrote several years ago, when I was just learning about this wonderful thing called the internet, and was in the height of my depression. Paranoid Ramblings was literally written in sections on Xena Palace chat! Ahh, back in the good old days when I was studying Malkavian lore...and you wonder why I was picked on in school. :) You will probably notice a great deal of repetition as I thumb through my comparitively limited vocabulary, and also the heavy emphasis on nature as you suffer my Walt Whitman/Tao Te Ching phase right along with me. Added Blame and Shame, Depression, Light2, Nonsense, Paranoid Ramblings of Youth, Positive Neutral, September Song, and When I'm Cleaning Windows. 9/28/02: Added a couple of literary-minded essays on, respectively, fan fiction, and my own works. Why I Read Fan Fic and Writer's Block are now available for your personal enjoyment. 9/29/02: Last night I tabulated the amount and variety of captive animal I've owned over the years, and tabulated them all into an absolutely furggin' HUGE collective essay, One Fish, Two Fish. I also cleared some old updates, and added a small paragraph near the end of Twisted Sister. 10/5/02: Added a couple of essays...The Misdirected Adventures of HyperGirl and Bloody Hell, about, respectively, my ADD and anguish of a personal nature. 10/6/02: Updated The Nature of Subtext...a few paragraphs near the end concerning, of all things, Shakespearean subtext. And I thought I was a pathetic geek before... 10/9/02: Added a very small analysis I wrote a few months ago during a flurry of Anita Blake obsession. The result was a little compare-contrast essay regarding the romantic leads of said series. I present to you Jean-Claude vs. Richard: Pragmatic vs. Idealist. It's not as neutral as it sounds. Read on. 10/15/02: Added a review of what could be the worst book I have ever read, a dubiously labeled "romance" novel of the Harlequin genre entitled Perfect Passion. I hope to god this thing is out of print, so that it may never again have the chance to harm innocent bystanders. 10/20/02: Added The Cult of the Teenybopper Elf, an essay on a particularly cringe-worthy genre of fan fic. Also added what I consider an interesting little analysis I actually thought up several months ago, during a phone call to DC, but never got around to writing until now. I present to you The Similarity of White Wolf Vampire Clans as Related to Characters on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Hee hee! Enjoy. 10/20/02: Last night's addition was made at about three in the morning; it's now 5:30 in the afternoon. Anywho...updated A Kiss of Shadows review; author's note at the end regarding the sequel, A Caress of Twilight. 10/21/02: Added an essay, What's The New, Mary Sue?, on personal avatars and when to draw the line. 11/4/02: Added Ye Olde Sex Shoppe, an essay on why geeks shop at the places they do. 11/5/02: Added Book Report, an essay wherein I tally up recommended reading for children--and include which books should never be given to kids. 11/25/02: I admit it. I’m obsessed. I’m posting my third article focusing on the fan fiction device of Mary Sue. This particular one is an analysis dealing with Mary Sue as an archetypal cultural figure. What can I say? The old girl fascinates me. :) I also updated Drycleaning’s Most Wanted (number twenty), added a recommendation and theory on education to Book Report, and a small paragraph at the end of my Mary Sue analysis. Meh. I’m on a Mary Sue kick. So sue me. 12/4/02: I have to give DC credit for this one. Inspired by a conversation we had post-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, during a rather eventful day yesterday, I present The Psychology of Draco Malfoy, an analysis about a rather underrated villain. I also wrote two essays, Feminist Wiles and Just a Geek at Heart. Mwee hee! Enjoy. 12/6/02: Organized the Updates by year, so it's not all one huge-ass paragraph anymore; it's several smaller huge-ass paragraphs. Hey, I tried. *shrug* 12/13/02: Friday the thirteenth. Heh. In honor of this dubiously auspicious occasion, I did two rather astonishing things: I updated my Legend analysis, AND *triumphant orchestral swelling* I actually updated my Labyrinth analysis! Two bars of chocolately goodness for the price of one! It's good to be me. Oh, and I also updated Mary Sue and the Concept of Cultural Archetypes, but I didn't think that was as astonishing as the previous two. 12/24/02: Merry Eve! Added an essay, Stereotypes In Cyberspace; just a slight natter on prejudice of the silliest kind. 12/27/02: Three-thirty in the morning. Gah. Any road, added The Language Nazi, an essay wherein I get all schoolmarm on your asses and bitch about the lack of standards on the internet. Also added complaint number 22 in Drycleaning's Most Wanted. Gosh, I'm awfully surly tonight. Meh. 12/28/02: Well, I've finally decided to dredge into that oh-so-mundane aspect of personal sites that no one cares about but fills the internet anyway. That's right: I'm adding a list of CDs owned by myself and Sally. Just shoot me now. Then, go to Collocated Euphony. It's still under a bit of construction; trust me, it WILL get better than this. Pinky swear. *nods* 12/29/02: Updated Collocated Euphony...whoops, sorry Dean. Perhaps I should have explained that it was Under Construction. Ah well. Also added a link to Pervy Hobbit Fanciers Anonymous, aka the Very Secret Diaries. You must go to this site. Sam will kill you if you don't. :) 12/30/02: Added the essay I've Been Bowie-cized...guess what the topic is. :) Also updated Mouse: The Other White Meat and What's The New, Mary Sue?


1/2/03: Updated Book Report and The Cult of the Teenybopper Elf, and added a poem, Ephemeral. Happy new bloody year, folks. 1/3/03: Added a review of The Two Towers, co-titled Irate Rants and Shameless Gushing. You need to see this movie! Much with the pretty! Mwee-hee! 1/3/03: Same day, a few hours later. Slight update to Two Towers review, but you'll probably notice another change first. That's right: After nearly five years of a plain printed header, I switched to a pretty cursive font. I think it gives the site a more polished appearance, neh? 1/8/03: Added a completely shallow little semi-biography thing on the people important in my life, titled Cast of Characters. And for no other reason than 'cause I wanna, I bring you a Completely Pointless Moment: Happy birthday, David Bowie! Mr. Bowie turns 56 today. Wishing you and yours a Bowietastic day. :) 1/13/03: Added Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fashion, a highly narcissistic essay on personal style, and updated The Cult of the Teenybopper Elf and Drycleaning's Most Wanted. 1/15/03: Updated Two Towers review, including updates made several days ago that I forgot to mention. Ai-ya. 1/22/03: Urk. Martian Death Flu. Any road, added a list of cliches in Melissa Good fan fic, and updated Two Towers review Drycleaning's Most Wanted, and The Psychology of Draco Malfoy. Chocolately goodness, ahoy. 1/24/03: Added an essay inspired by several conversations with DC, titled In Favour of Fantasy. 2/8/03: Added a review of a laughably bad novel that DC lent to me, entitled Cajun. 3/15/03: I know I haven't updated in a long time...shortly after the last update, DC helped me start up my own ,livejournal, and I've been making most of my comments on there. Fear not; I've been working on an analysis or two (including, dear hearts, my Labyrinth analysis), and they shall soon be seen on this site. In the meantime, I made a small update to the review of Cajun, and another small update to--yep, that's right--my Labyrinth analysis. I also have a rather major announcement to make regarding said analysis: It now has an official title. I have called it Through the Labyrinth, And What Sarah Found There. Very Alice-y, no? 4/11/03: Updated Cajun review. 6/7/03: Wow, I know I haven't updated in a while...again, my main contributions have been to my livejournal, and my writing has gone slightly by the wayside. I will shortly have an updated AND completely revitalized version of my Labyrinth analysis available, within the next few days...it will be organized into numbered sections, with titles and chapters and everything. Yes, you shall soon be able to read the analysis SANS EYESTRAIN! Yay!!! I am also working on an essay about villains and antagonists, and have bought A Caress of Twilight, so a review of THAT may be in the near future. Check back for updates. 6/11/03: Finally finished revising Through The Labyrinth (And What Sarah Found There) . Yes, I said revised...it's organized into chapters, with titles and numbers and everything. It has also been streamlined; if you must know, it has been slightly "trimmed" and polished: some of the sillier comments have been removed, along with some nitpickings and frivolous musings. It may remain that way; then again, it may not. We shall see. 10/8/03: This site is no longer the Cozy Poetry Nook, as I feel that the title is too limiting and not indicative of its actual content. Instead, you are now on Quill of Iron. I have been kicking around the new domain title for several years, and finally came to a decision. This site will be under MAJOR construction for several weeks, to correspond with the name change. Also, several pieces have been removed: Saril Aga, First Encounter, and the untitled Xena fan fiction. I felt that they were poorly constructed and do not wish for them to be publicly displayed. Updated Cult of the Teenybopper Elf via removal of dated material...the most notable change being that I have altered my stance on Tolkien fic and slash, and now write both (often together). My opinion of Orliboppers, however, remains the same... Other additions and subtractions may be appearing in due time. 10/11/03: An actual update. Go me. Added my long-promised essay on villains and antagonists. Go read The Concept of Villainy. 10/12/03: Updated The Concept of Villainy, with a paragraph on Severus Snape.


5/10/04: Well, that was a long break. But finally, an update! Added a review of Laurell K. Hamilton's debut novel Nightseer. 10/18/04: Added the belated review of A Caress of Twilight. Here's hoping I don't take so long when Seduced By Moonlight is released in paperback! Also, added a section exclusively for book/movie reviews, separate from the analyses.


1/2/05: And practically on the heels of my (woefully inadequate) review of A Caress of Twilight is my (somewhat bulkier) review of Seduced By Moonlight!