Void Poem

Ages across time

Singers and laughters of warmth

Breathe holy light of

Lamps which flood

The darkness here

The bells of Grant's Tomb

Collide together now

Gold and glitter

Substance formed apart

Flower garden for ages

Set in blue geraniums

Mingled mulberry blood

Casts a shadow to

Foreign words uttered

In a moment of nonsense

Vast sages and thyme

In a warm dreamy haze

Fogs the mind of clarity

Alters perception of nothing

Reality is evident to

Those who look under rocks And bounds formation

Love a restless turn

And in that hour I see

The saviour of my face

Taken apart as a symbol

Knots and mirrors to live by

Graceful complete moment

The wind is low

Burning my mind of all

Absent thoughts as

A cherished example of hope

Shimmer and slide with

The fish who swim alone

Ringing alound in the

Solemn way of life

I lead in my own way

Dusty sad smiles surround

Ache to open a bond

Glide without a care

A thought to why

On turning to stay

Here in a flower pot

Moving with the tide