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KID ROCK & TBT Reviews and Stories

Things I LOve About Kid The Most


Kid Rock and TBT showed Grand Rapids exactly what a performance was on Tuesday night!!!Like others I have talked to never have we seen such a display of raw energy, great music and a kick ass band!!! Kid came out to a sold-out show and gave the fans a show they soon won't forget and our ears will be reverberating "My Name Is Kiiiiiiidddddd" for many a nights to come!!!

Kid and the band rocked us thru the favs and kicked it thru some good rock oldies as the TBT jammed their hearts out. Mid way thru Kid jumped up to the table and scratched it like it was 1988 all over again which was a treat for this old fan!!! He then proceeded to jam thru the bands instruments finalizing his round by hitting Steph's skins and kicking straight ass!!!! The Orbit Room was thumping and bodies were surfing as the gang proceeded to rock it till we felt in our bones.
I myself have been to several concerts over the years ranging from hip-hop to thrash metal and I can honestly say the energy that Kid brings to a venue is pure straight from the heart... the sweat poured off his body as he ran up and down the stage mixing it up with Jason, Kenny , Joe C. and the rest of the crew. This man definetely knows what his fans want and he sure as hell gave it to us on Tuesday night. Joe C. was primed and the ladies were on for the 3' 9" man with the 10 ft *** !!!! Jason was in fine style pushing out the bump, making the instument hum our eardrums and rock our bodies. Stephanie, as usual, kicked ass from behind the skins, making me realize on more time that no finer drummer has hit the stages since Tommy Lee!!!

The Howling Diablos opened for Kid and showed to us that Detroit has alot to offer. The band ( can't remember the 2nd bands name... waiting for confirmation on that one!! Sorry to the band, but props are given) coming next brought all the guys to "attention" as their lead singer kicked it around the lead stage in her camo tank and form fitting work out pants! Her voice smoothed out the ruff edges of the crowds screams and she kicked ass from here all the way back to Ontario where most of the band hails from. I heard a few ppl speak and I agree, her voice was a cross between Melissa Etheridge and Gwen Stefani of No Doubt. She got us rocking in prep for Kid and TBT, I for one really liked the opening acts. I do know that The Howling Diablos have been with Kid for awhile and he gets them to open for him whenever he can.

I doubly enjoyed the concert because when we arrived in GR, the show was sold out and we didn't think we'd get in, but low and behold from the bowels of Rent-A-Cop hell came an angel who presented my friend and I a way props to that man... I do not know your name, but you will forever hold a place in my memories for your kick ass kindness... remember the bartenders from that little town south of GR are waiting for you with drinks on the house for the rest of eternity... or until ya pass out whichever comes first!!!
After the concert we beat a hasty retreat to our car so I could reload my camera and then headed back to stand by the busses. Joking around with the roadies loading the trailer we ate melons with them and shared their water. Then out of the air appeared none other than Jason himself!! Although he was in a slight hurry he paused and signed autographs with us all and posed for a true Kodak moment. The pic link has this pic on it... to the girl from upper Michigan, your copy is in the mail.. u know who u are!!!!
Then back to waiting!!As we stood joking with the guys out of the door comes little Miss Stephanie, bunny slippers and all hauling ass from a man named Wayne who was chasing her! She giggled as she ran thru the gate and hid behind me and my friend. I let her catch her breath and then we talked for around 15 minutes... her words of wisdom for us looking for concert info...."I never know where we'll be playing until we head out,(laughing) but check the internet... its all on there!!! She then signed our shirts and posed with us for pics. Those too will be posted as soon as they get scanned! Then Wayne was chatting with my friend and the next thing I knew we were headed thru the gates and thru the Orbit Rooms empty stage area and up a flight of stairs... could it be i thought... and yes there at the top of the steps in a room not much bigger than my living room sat the man himself, his almighty (lol) Mr. Bob Ritchie aka Kid Rock. There was a moment when i thought for sure I was not going to be able to move from the doorway and then he smiled that smile and those dimples shone thru the dark and he waved us over. Ok, it gets a little blurry, my heart was pounding so hard I think I may have been in the middle of a true heart attack!! He spoke to us for a few and then noticed my camera and asked if we'd like a pic... hell yeah was my response and as I stepped over beside him he took a drink from his bottle of Boones and wrapped his arm around me!!! (Heaven, by the way!!!) I tripped as he pulled me closer and started to fall back, so this pic you see is REALLY bad of me...but the fans wanna see the Kid and it is definetely a good shot of him so it to will be posted despite my embarrassment!!! LOL! Then he signed our shirts, spoke to us a while and we moved on thru the room ( me pretty much in a daze).

We talked to the lead singer of the Diablos, had Kenny sign our shirts and then just chilled for awhile.

Now here I wanna make a major point... I have met many bands from Metallica to G n' R, to Puff Daddy and Ice Cube, and they were all very kind... but none of them showed the respect for their fans as Kid did on Tuesday night. I watched him talking to the people there to meet him and he looked them in the eyes thru-out the conversations and he truly was interested in what they had to say. When we returned to tell him good-bye, he remembered our conversation and said he'd check out my site to see what I had going... to me that says the he has not sold-out, that he knows who can make or break him and that as he's said before... he does it for us, everything else comes after. I would like to thank them all for giving us the chance to meet the man behind the name and for showing us that he is definetely the best to hit the stage in a lonnnnngggg time. I can only hope that the record companies and the promoters continue to let him do his own thing... for he does know what is best for himself, TBT and us fans!!! Top props to ya Kid.. thanks for giving me a show and memories that will last forever!

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