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American Dream

American Dream

Shannon Carter

F) Am50
A) Rm30
S) Ex20
E) Rm30
R) Gd10
I) In40
P) Rm30

Health: 130 Karma: 80
Resources: Ty Pop: 30

Known Powers:

Body Armor: Gd protection vs. Physical and Energy, Ty protection vs. Blunt attcks.
Shield: American Dream's Shield is made of CL1000 material. He can use it to block up to 90 damage from an attack, but he is still subject to stuns and slams. He can also throw it up to 3 areas for Rm damage and he can attack up to 3 people with a successfull Agility FEAT (Mn) or 5 with a yellow FEAT. By bouncing it of a number of hard surfaces he can make the shield return to him the next round.
Shooting Discs: In material, she can fire her discs from her forearm up to 5 areas for Rm damage and she can attack up to 3 people with a successfull Agility FEAT (Mn) or 5 with a yellow FEAT. By bouncing it of a number of hard surfaces she can make the disc return to him the next round.

Talents: Weapon Specialist: (Shield), Acrobatics, All Martial Arts, Leadership, Thrown Objects

Contacts: Avengers


Shannon Carter was put in a wheelchair after she was injured in a car accident that killed both her parents. She grew up with her aunt Peggy, who gave her several journals dealing with the adventures of Captain America and Sharon Carter. She learned to walk again and honed her skills and put herself through intense training and became the American Dream. She joined the new Avengers and eventually inheritied Captain America's shield from an alternate reality. American Dream is a co-leader of the Avengers along with Mainframe. American Dream is a figther for freedom and justice to everyone.