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Doctor Doom II

Dr. Doom II

Kristoff Vernard

F) Rm30
A) Ex20
S) Rm30
E) In40
R) In40
I) Am50
P) Am50

Health: 120 Karma: 140
Resources: Am Pop: 40

Known Powers:

Doom's Armor: Kristoff wears a specialized armor based on Doom's design. It grants him the following:
-Body Armor: In protection vs. Physical and Energy
-Electrical Field: Un energy attack with touch, those in the same area receive an In energy attack. Un or In End. FEAT of fall unconscious for 1-10 rounds
-Flight: Ex
-Force Bolts: Mn, 10 areas
-Infrared Scanners: Rm
-Life Support: In
-Optical Scanner: Mn vision, 40 areas
-Parabolic Ears Amplifiers: Rm hearing, 8 areas
-Thremo-Energizer: Absorb and store Solar and Heat energy of Am intensity.

Talents: Electronics, Engineering, Physics, Robotics, Weapon & Energy Systems, Spacecraft Technolgy, Superhuman Physiology

Contacts: Fantastic Five, Stinger