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F) Rm30
A) Rm30
S) Am50
E) Am50
R) Rm30
I) Ex20
P) Ex20

Health: 160 Karma: 70
Resources: Gd Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Robotic Construction: As a robot/synthezoid hybrid, Mainframe isn't subject to the frailties of normal living humans. This gives Mainframe the following power stunts:
-Body Armor: Am resistance to Physical, Mn resistance to Energy, Rm resistance to Corrosives, Un resistance to Heat, Cold, Radiation, and Electricity
-Invulnerability: Un resistance to Disease, Toxins, Psionic attacks and Mental Detection
-Mainframe doesn't age as regular humans do
-Self-Sustenance: Mainframe requires no Food, Water or Air, and can survive indefinitely in outer space or a vacuum.
-ECM: Mn protection vs. External Control or Interference
-Protected Senses: Am resistance to Sound and Light-based attacks.
-Flight: Ex airspeed (10 areas/round), Sh-X (50 areas/round) in clear flight paths.
-Communication with Cybernetics: Rm ability on touch
-Sensors: 3 area Infravision, Radar, Sonar, "Life" Detectors and Electrical Power Detectors. He can also tune into all radio bands and frequencies with Mn ability, and can transmit on private wave lengths, CB, and Ham radio channels. Mainframe's sub-processors have the ability to provide translations for incoming messages in many of the Earth's more popular languages
-Absorption: Un, Mainframe can absorb up to 100 points of energy each round, either for recharging or to be harmlessly dissipated. However, doing this may overload his systems. He must make a Yellow Endurance FEAT or all his systems shut down including his Lazarus program.
-Overloading: With an In Reason FEAT, Mainframe can redirect absorbed energy to increase his Strength, Flight, or Repulsors to Un intensity. Each turn he overloads his system in this way, Mainframe must make a Red Endurance FEAT or he short-circuits and his anti-theft system is activated.
-Serial Immortality (Premade Bodies): Mainframe is a Robotic body with Tony Stark's Encephalograms providing the personality much like Simon Williams' did for the Vision. When one body is destroyed his Lazarus program transfers Mainframe's mind including memories into a new body. Mainframe has at least four bodies in reserve at all times and the ability to mass-produce more if need be.
Weapons Systems:
-Adamantium Knuckles: Un material, Mainframe's knuckles have 1 1/2 inch protrusions made of secondary Adamantium that increase his punching damage +1cs
-Repulsors: Am Force, 10 areas
-Uni-Beam: Mainframe's chest beam can produce the following effects:
--Light Beam: Rm intensity Light Beam of any chosen spectrum, 3 areas
--Laser: Am Energy, 3 areas
--Heat: In intensity, 3 areas
--Microwave: In Energy, ignores non-metal barriers, but not force fields.
-Tractor Beam: Rm
-Holographic Duplicates: Gd ability to create 1-10 holographic decoys of himself. Duplicating others is a Power Stunt.

Talents: Leadership, Pilot, Engineering, Electronics, Computers

Contacts: Avengers, Tony Stark


Mainframe is a artificial synthoid lifeform that was created by Tony Stark, the original Iron Man so that there will always be an Avenger to help others. Mainframe programming is based off of Tony Stark's brainwave engrams and has a number of the original Iron Man Armor's weapons. Very few members of the Avengers know of Mainframe's true identity and origin. That hasn't stopped him from being a loyal member of the Avengers and friend as well.