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Moose Mansfield

Maurice Arthur "Moose" Mansfield

F) Ty6
A) Ty6
S) Gd10
E) Ty6
R) Pr4
I) Pr4
P) Gd10

Health: 28 Karma: 18
Resources: Ty Pop: 0

Known Powers:


Talents: Student, American Rules Football

Contacts: Courtney Duran, Brad Miller, Davida Kirby, May "Mayday" Parker


Maurice Arthur "Moose" Mansfield is the Flash Thompson of May's World, but his target is not a Parker, but Jimmy Yama. Moose is the oldest of four children, he has two younger brothers, William and Albert and his little sister, Madeline. Growing up in a happy home, Moose got his nickname for his large size and willing to charge into the field in sports. His father, Arthur is one of Forest Hills' best firemen, but his mother sadly passed away from cancer a few years ago, which caused Moose to devoloped a sad side early in his teenage life.

May first met him in grade school, Moose was Brad Miller's best friend, but he had a bad habbit on picking on other kids. Moose and Jimmy's feud first started with a prank. Jimmy's anger at loosing a chance to ask out May several times has escalated the feud. Moose has started to become attracted to Courtney since he thinks that Courtney is Spider-Girl. Moose has recently be dealt a blow by breaking his leg in football. However, Moose intends to return to football and is constantly pushing himself, the way he thinks Spider-Girl would. Moose recently saw Jimmy Yama with Heather Noble and is on his way to tell Brad about it. However, Moose's major problem right now is that Courtney has become fed up with Moose's beat up attitude. Telling him to give it up or she's giving up on him. This caused Moose to start taking a more thinking process to his decision, thanks to this, Moose and Courtney have become even closer.

Trying to be strong following Courtney's accident. Moose reached out to his friends and now with Courtney up and about, Moose couldn't be more happy. However, he has recently been avoiding Courtney for unknown reasons, which soon became clear. Moose had found a doctor's note that his father could possibly have cancer. Upset that he could loose his father the same way he lost his mother, Moose lashed out until May confronted him about it. He is currently trying to deal with his father's situation, good or bad.