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Escape to MG's....

Sometimes we need an escape from the demands of reality. From time to time, we need to see the stuff that dreams are made of; imagination is such a precious gift!

Won't you join me in an intriguing journey of faraway lands, magical creatures, and mystical visions............

Below you will find some of my favorite images, which I have found on one of my many websurfing adventures....... As far as I know, the images on this page are of free domain. Any violation of copyright is unintentional, and if you have knowledge of any restrictions on the images I have displayed, please let me know so they can be removed. Thanks!

Unicorns are my all time favorite! I've been collecting them for years...... and I believe!

~ Mother's love...

~ The magical pool... ~Unicorns Near Waterfalls...

~Portrait.. ~ Golden unicorn... ~ Rainbow's end.... ~Frolicking..

~ The battle... ~Protecting her young... ~Friends... ~Winter...

~Silver Unicorn... ~ The resting... ~With a fae... ~A Herd...

~Magical Kingdom... ~Enchanting Vision... ~Unicorn Arch...

~Charming pair with fae... ~Noble warriors... ~Moonlit stroll....

The magical maidens of dreams....

~Fae with baby unicorn.. ~Enchanted Falls...

~ Timeless youth... ~Dream Faery... ~ Rosebud...

~ Daydreaming... ~Celestial..... ~ In the nest...

~Sisterhood... ~Butterfly Fairy... ~The Blue Fae...

~A Wise Beauty... ~Silver Fae...... Waterfall Fae... ~Rose Fae...

The mythical beasts of yore...

~ The gathering...

~ The red dragon...

~ Striking a pose...

~ Magical journey...

~ Silver dragons...

~ The white dragons...

~Beast of Magic... ~Awaiting Battle...

A variety of fantasy pics...

~ Asian winter beauty... ~ Rainbow dreams...

~ Resting mermaid... ~ The swim... ~Ariel...

~ Ocean guardian... ~Two of a kind... ~In the Heavens...

~ Grant my wish... ~ The rider... ~ Princess warrior...

~Otherwordly Flight... ~Winged Beauty... ~Carousel dreams...

~Speculative Vision: Science Fiction and Fantasy (gallery, music conservatory, and more...)

~Heaven Fantasy: gallery, poetry, and links

~Fantasy Art & Illustrations by Sue Dawe

~Flight of Fancy: a must see for lovers of fantasy art

~Fantasy Age Gallery

~Vision Artworks: images of faeries, mythology, and folklore

~Mermaid Net: where the sirens scream!

~Web Warriors Web Designs


Site Index

Background from Lost Shadow's Backies