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Welcome to...

Hello, and thanks for stopping in.

On this page you will find some of my favorite

poetry and links. I have also included some

of my favorite lyrics, which are, afterall,

poetry before the music is added.

I have included the midis for the lyrics when

possible. You will also be able to view some of

my own original work; I find that writing helps

me express myself and relieve some stress....

please be open-minded, as I do not claim

to be a good author or a professional :-)

A special thanks to all who contributed

to the "Works of Others"; it has

really meant a lot to me!!

{Thanks honey!:-)}

(Kansas 1976)

(Pink Floyd)

(Bette Midler)

(Led Zeppelin)


(Ozzy Osbourne)

Jeffrey's "Silent Seasons of Fear"

AmBeR's "The Blue Room"

Walter Westfall's Poetry and Prose

Prose and Poetry:classic works and info
about the poets

Poetry For Real People

A Complete Collection of Poems by
Edgar Allan Poe

Dan has written a lot of poems to touch the heart!

Poetic Journey Webring

This Poetic Journey Webring site owned by Cindy< /a>.
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This The Amateur Poetry Ring site owned by Cindy< /a>.
The Amateur Poetry 
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Graphics set from Neon Deams