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The Signs and Symptoms of Strokes

1-Sudden numbness or weakness of face, arm or leg - especially on one side of the body.

2-Sudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding.

3-Sudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes.

4-Sudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination.

5-Sudden severe headache with no known cause.

Strokes are the third leading cause of death in America today, preceded by heart disease and traumatic brain injury. Many people are familiar with signs and symptoms of heart attack; a stroke should be considered a brain attack. There are 3 types of stroke:

1) hemmorhagic- this occurs when one of the blood

vessels of the brain rupture or bleeds

2) embolic- this type of stroke is caused by a

clot of one of the blood vessels of the brain

(origin of the clot is not usually the brain, from the heart)

3) ischemic- this is caused by the narrowing of blood vessels,

usually due to the accumulation of plaques.

Strokes are a medical emergency, and if you think you are experiencing symptoms of a stroke, seek medical attention immeditely. For further information about strokes, risk factors, and treatments, please visit my link to the National Stroke Association.