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SGI Iceland


Subject: SGI-Iceland - New URL
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2000 05:02:04 -0800 BR>From: Ísrit <>
To: <micami@ptt.yu>

Dear Webmaster,

The URL of the web-page of SGI-Iceland has now changed and the new URL is:
The old URL (http:/ will soon be out of funtion. If you have a link to us on your webpage we would be grateful if you updated the URL as soon as possible.
Iceland map
SGI-Iceland (Soka Gakkai International – Iceland) was founded on 17 June 1980. There are approximately 100 members, most of whom live in the capital of Iceland, Reykjavík, but too groups have now been established out in the country - in Isafjördur on the west-coast and Höfn í Hornafirdi on the east-coast. (See the map.) The British branch of SGI (Soka Gakkai International – United Kingdom), has from the start supported Iceland’s Buddhist association in numerous ways.

We are chanting now for presedent Ikeda will come to Iceland this year or the next – the year 2000 will certanly become a milestone in the history of our [still] small SGI-Iceland-society in the new millennium.

Yours sincerely,
Bragi Óskarsson

SGI-Iceland (SGI-Ísland)


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