Comeback of the Year

1. Undertaker
Many were beginning to miss the evil Undertaker that took some time off to heal some injuries. Then in May he returned. But this was a new Undertaker. An “American Badass” who rode to the ring on a motorcycle, but he was still just as powerful and intimidating.

2. Steve Austin
Neck injuries kept Steve Austin out of action for almost a year. But he came back with a vengeance. The Rattlesnake returned in the fall of 2000 and later got back to where he left off as a top star.

3. Billy Gunn
Billy Gunn was put out of action early in the year. But he came back and got some popularity and success, as well as an Intercontinental title run.

Runners up: Molly Holly, Booker T, Hardcore Holly, Blue Boy, Scott Steiner, Sid, Hacksaw Jim Duggan

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