Best Faction

1. McMahon-Helmsley Faction
Led by Triple H and Stephanie McMahon Helmsley, this faction dominated the WWF for much of 2000. They were very powerful and they did a good job stirring up trouble in the WWF.

2. D-Generation X
Triple H distanced himself from DX during his world title reign and Billy Gunn was out of action for much of the year. X-Pac and Road Dogg still represented the DX name. D-Generation X remains one of the greatest, most controversial factions of all time.

3. The Radicalz
Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, and Perry Saturn shocked the world by leaving WCW and showing up in the WWF. They became an impressive team.

Runners up: Right to Censor, nWo, Shane McMahon’s Friends, Full Blooded Italians

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