Best Feud

1. The Rock/Triple H
The feud between the Rock and Triple H went on for much of 2000 and it will probably continue in the future. These two have had countless matches together and the war between them has always been a good one.

2. Hardy Boyz/Edge & Christian
Edge and Christian often resorted to unfair tactics to retain their tag team titles. But the Hardy Boyz always came back to challenge them. These teams were involved in some of the best matches of the year.

3. Triple H/Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle started spending time with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H got jealous. Eventually tensions grew and several matches resutled. Fans started to cheer for Triple H in one of the most interestign feuds of the year.

Runners up: Triple H/Mick Foley, Steve Austin/Rikishi, Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho, Chris Benoit/The Rock, Hardy Boyz/Dudley Boyz

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