Worst Face (Good Guy)

1. Godfather
This gimmick really helped his career, but it had gone stale in 2000. The addition of D’Lo Brown as a fellow pimp only made things worse. The catch phrases were still popular, but everyone was sick of the lovable pimp. He later became a member of the Right to Censor.

2. Mideon
Mideon was bad enough already. Then he developed a streaking habit. Not good. Some thought it was funny. But most were disgusted by the sight of a fat man wearing nothing but a fanny pack. Ugh, bad memories.

3. Chyna
Chyna has accomplished more than most women in the WWF. But many feel that she doesn’t deserve the recognition she gets. Posing for Playboy helped her popularity a little, but didn’t make her much better.

Runners up: Scott Steiner, K-Kwik, Konnan, Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Al Snow, Kevin Nash, Undertaker, Road Dogg, General Rection, Grandmaster Sexay

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