Worst Manager

1. Mae Young
Mae Young was one of the worst things about 2000. She showed the world her “puppies” at the Royal Rumble and had a relationship with Mark Henry that resulted in the birth of a hand. Not good at all.

2. Fabulous Moolah
Like Mae Young, the Fabulous Moolah should’ve just stayed off of TV. While she never did anything nearly as offensive as what Mae did, WWF audiences would’ve been better without her.

3. Judy Bagwell
Another old lady? Wow, there’s something about old ladies and wrestling that just doesn’t mix. Buff Bagwell brought his mom on TV a few times and she got involved in his matches. There was even a “Judy Bagwell on a pole” match.

Runners up: Paisley, Jack Victory, Disco Inferno, Bill Alfonso, Daffney, Lou E. Dangerously, Mandy & Victoria, Terri, Ralphus, Vince Russo, Mike Sanders

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