Worst Heel (Bad Guy)

1. Rob Van Dam
It’s not that he didn’t do a good job. But when he was in the Alliance, he was so over that it didn’t make much sense for him to be a heel.

2. Buff Bagwell
In the ring and backstage, Buff just got on people’s nerves and he ended up paying for it. At least we don’t have to see much of him anymore.

3 (tie). Undertaker
The dead man shocked the world by turning his back on the fans and becoming one of the biggest heels in the WWF. So why do fans keep cheering for him??

3 (tie). Hacksaw Jim Duggan
Here’s a guy that’s been chanting “USA” and holding the American flag for his whole career. So what does WCW do? They make him Canadian. Stupid WCW.

Runners up: Kwee Wee, Stephanie McMahon, Billy Gunn, Hurricane, X-Pac, Steven Richards, Mighty Molly, Lex Luger

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