Match of the Year

1. The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge and Christian - Ladder Match (No Mercy)
Terri Runnels offered $100,000 and her managerial services to whoever won this tag team ladder match. In an amazing match with lots of high flying and extreme risk taking, the Hardys were able to just barely defeat Edge and Christian. After the match, the audience gave them a standing ovation.

2. The Rock vs. Mankind - No Holds Barred (Halftime Heat)
The WWF offered this match for people that didnt feel like watching the Super Bowl halftime show. In a no-holds-barred, empty arena match, Mankind won the WWF title by lowering a forklift onto the Rock and getting the pin.

3-tie. The Rock vs. Mankind - I Quit Match (Royal Rumble)
The Rock and Mankind took a lot of punishment in this no-holds-barred match. Mankind fell onto electrical circuits, and he was handcuffed and repeatedly hit in the head with a chair. In a corporate trick, Mankind lost without actually giving up. He was unconscious and the words were heard over the loudspeaker.

3-tie. Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn (Hardcore Heaven)
Jerry Lynn did everything that he could to end the TV Title reign of RVD, but he wasnt able to. In a 30 minute long match, these two did everything that they could to try to defeat the other, but in the end Rob Van Dam was able to win. Jerry Lynn gained lots of respect after this match.

3-tie. Shane McMahon vs. X-Pac (Wrestlemania)
Everyone expected X-Pac to easily defeat Shane to win the European title. But Shane was able to put on a good show and defend the belt, with some help from the Mean Street Posse and Triple H.

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