Worst Angle or Gimmick

1. Big Bossman kills Pepper the dog and serves it to Al Snow
Everyone was disgusted by this stupid angle. Bossman killed Pepper, but the angle continued for several more weeks. A long boring feud happened with matches like a Kennel from Hell and a Pepper on a pole match.

2. Beaver Cleavage
With Thrasher injured, Mosh had to go out on his own. After weeks of stupid promos, Mosh made his return as a corny Leave it to Beaver rip-off. He won a few matches, but the fans hated the stupid gimmick. Finally, he decided that the gimmick was too stupid to continue. He wrestled in his underwear as Chaz until he went back to being Mosh.

3-tie. Big Shows dad has cancer
Big Bossman learned that the Big Shows dad had cancer, so he tried to make Big Show as miserable as possible. He did things like smashing his dads watch, paying a cop to tell Big Show that his dad died, and attaching his dads coffin to a car and driving away with it! This angle was stupid and it went on too long. Everyone hated the Bossman even more after this.

3-tie. Return of Red and Yellow Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan got rid of his Hollywood persona and took a trip back to the 80s as a good guy. Hulkamania returned and the fans really didnt care.

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