Bottom 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 Oklahoma Sure, its kinda funny, but Jim Ross doesnt deserve to be insulted like this every week. 5
2 Parents Television Council Smackdown has to toned down to a PG rating because of these guys. If you dont like WWF, change the channel! -
3 The Powers that Be This has gotten really old, and it was never good to begin with. 1
4 Fabulous Moolah/Mae Young Mae Young acting drunk has no point as far as I can see. 3
5 Big Bossman Why does he get a title shot? Why?! 2
6 Buzzkill Um, no. Go away. -
7 David Flair I really hate the whole Psycho thing hes doing. 6
8 The Baldies These guys stink and I really hate how they interrupt good matches to have boring, repetitive interviews. -
9 Tony Marinara and his boys They stink more than the Baldies, but at least they dont interrupt matches with boring, repetitive interviews. -
10 Rick Steiner Did the right thing by not fighting at Mayhem. 4

Dropped out: Konnan, Mideon, Viscera, The Misfits

Bottom 10