Bottom 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 Sid Vicious I HATE Sid! Why does interfering in a match count as a win?! Just lose and go away! -
2 Eric Bischoff In the past year, he released Raven, Big Show, Chris Jericho, and made more bad decisions. -
3 Big Boss Man Yuck. Thats just wrong. WWF is gonna get in some trouble for this. -
4 Konnan Back in WCW. Thatıs bad. Not in WWF. Thats good. 8
5 Ernest Miller Why is he even on TV? He should be a jobber at house shows. 2
6 Viscera Throwing his weight around. 5
7 Mideon X-Pac thinks hes the weak link? Look at this guy! 1
8 Demon Come back Crush. 4
9 KISS I wanted to see Detroit Rock City but I was sick that day. 6
10 Lenny Lane Why is he the cruiserweight champ? Why? Why? Why? -

Dropped out: West Texas Rednecks, DJ Ran, Kevin Nash, Berlyn

Bottom 10