Bottom 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 Justin Credible Come on! Show some respect for Billy Corgan! Oh, and lose the title too. 2
2 Mideon What was the point of that??? 1
3 Vince Russo The nWo is back. Hooray. -
4 Kevin Nash Booking yourself to be the world champ isn’t very fair. 7
5 WCW Announcing The Great Muta should be a permanent announcer. It would make things a lot more exciting. 6
6 Demon Has no business in a feud with Sting and Vampiro. 4
7 Natural Born Thrillers Sorry, I’m not impressed. -
8 MIA Why does Captain Rection get these US title shots all of a sudden? -
9 Harris Brothers A shining example of WCW’s tag team division. 8
10 X-Pac Road Dogg seems a little cooler. X-Pac is just the same old X-Pac. 10

Dropped out: Shoots, Chuck Palumbo, Kwee Wee

Bottom 10