Bottom 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 Scott Steiner/DDP This is just what WCW needs right now, two tops stars fighting backstage. -
2 Road Dogg Oh. Wow. That sucks. 3
3 Buff Bagwell Next time, don’t beat someone up for no reason. -
4 Sid Oh good. He’s off TV again. 2
5 Lex Luger Staying around and making WCW suck even more. 1
6 WCW And that’s the end of a horrible, horrible year. 8
7 Tony Schiavone Not exactly helping WCW’s problems. 7
8 Harris Bros. Well, now that the Jarrett thing is done, maybe they can go away again. 4
9 Kronik Crush and Adam Bomb to the rescue. 6
10 Billy Gunn Many have been disappointed with him lately. -

Dropped out: Jimmy Hart, PTC, Mike Awesome

Bottom 10