Bottom 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 WWF’s stagnation Interest in pro wrestling is continuing to go downhill. -
2 WWF booking More of the same old stuff. And where’s Tajiri?? -
3 Right to Censor There’s just no point to this gimmick anymore. 2
4 Perry Saturn Man, he almost killed that poor guy. -
5 Chyna Hopefully Lita will be able to liven up the title match. -
6 Grandmaster Sexay Wasting William Regal’s time and ours. -
7 WCW delay Come on, hurry up. Life sucks with only one major federation. -
8 Undertaker/Sara angle Stupid, meaningless angle that didn’t really go anywhere. -
9 Billy Gunn Ah, how the mighty have fallen. 4
10 Kurt Angle Kurt rules, but what he did on Smackdown was just plain wrong. -

Dropped out:

Bottom 10