Bottom 10 Rankings

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 Buff Bagwell Well that didn’t last long. -
2 WWF injuries Even with all this WCW/ECW stuff, you still gotta miss Benoit and Triple H. -
3 XPW If one of your wrestlers catches on fire, PUT THE FIRE OUT IMMEDIATELY. What’s so hard to understand about that? -
4 Billy Gunn The heel turn hasnt’ done anything for him. -
5 Big Show Biggest jobber in the WWF. -
6 Jerry Lawler His wife wants him to go back. Will he even have a chance to go back? -
7 WCW Progressing nicely, but the roster is kinda small. -
8 Chyna For killing the women’s division. -
9 WWF I never thought I’d say this, but I think I’m gonna have to root against them. -
10 Perry Saturn Not getting much TV time lately. -

Dropped out:

Bottom 10