Top 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock The Rock is going to Wrestlemania! Yay! 1
2 Triple H Uh oh, there goes his power. 2
3 Kurt Angle Entertaining in the ring and on the mic. 3
4 Chris Jericho He has to deal with Angle and Benoit now. 7
5 Big Show His chances of winning the title are practically gone now. 4
6 Chris Benoit His great talent might get him the IC title. 6
7 Mike Awesome Lost the tag titles, but maybe its better that way. 8
8 Rikishi Phatu Definitely good and popular enough to have a title. 5
9 Crash Holly His matches are unbelievably entertaining. -
10 Super Crazy The insane luchadore has become very popular with his new TV title. -

Dropped out: Jeff Jarrett, Kane

Bottom 10