Top 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock Electrifying the D.N.C. 1
2 Triple H Needs to put his differences with Kurt Angle aside to stop the Rock. 2
3 Booker T One of the few good things in WCW. 3
4 Kurt Angle His friendship with Steph got him trouble with HHH and a title shot. 6
5 Lance Storm It was great to see the Canadians give him the respect he deserves. 4
6 Chris Benoit I don’t mind another feud with Jericho. 5
7 Chris Jericho Which Chris has more skill? 9
8 Rob Vam Dam He truly is the whole f’n show. 10
9 Jeff Jarrett Did good putting Booker T over. 8
10 Tajiri One of the most exciting wrestlers today. -

Dropped out: Big Show

Bottom 10