Top 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock Still the People’s Champ! 1
2 Triple H Fans are actually on his side in this feud. 3
3 Kurt Angle Will he take over Triple H’s spot as the WWF’s top heel? 2
4 Booker T Even though he lost, he’s still the man. 4
5 Tajiri Tajiri at number five? Yep. He’s that good. -
6 Lance Storm Continues to be the pride of Canada. 5
7 Goldberg Leading the fight against Russo and his boys. -
8 Chris Benoit Got by Jericho at Summerslam. 6
9 Chris Jericho Lost to Benoit, but put on a great show. 6
10 Rob Van Dam The best thing about ECW. 10

Dropped out: Lita, Jeff Jarrett

Bottom 10