Top 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock No other wrestler is as popular is he is now. 1
2 Triple H Probably the next WWF champ. He deserves it more than most other people in the 6 pack match. 5
3 Sting Things are going well for him as a bad guy. 2
4 Goldberg Sid is next and Goldberg is ready. 3
5 Mankind I love watching him acting like the Rock. 7
6 Chris Benoit I dont know why he got a world title shot, but he shoulda won. 9
7 Mike Awesome Who is this guy and why is he the ECW champion? -
8 Steve Austin Ready to stir things up as referee of the 6 pack match. 4
9 Rob Van Dam I hope that he can win the world title soon. -
10 Kane Always willing to help a friend. -

Dropped out: Vince McMahon, Taz, Undertaker

Bottom 10