Top 10 Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock The best guest referee ever. 1
2 Triple H Won the WWF title, even with Steve Austin as the referee. 2
3 Sting Good guy or bad guy, he will always be cool. 3
4 Mankind That celebration on Raw was funny, but it was 25 minutes long!! 5
5 Goldberg First the US Title, then the World title. 4
6 Rob Van Dam Now that Taz isnt the champ, its time for him to become the World champion. 9
7 Steve Austin Moving back into the title picture. 8
8 Mike Awesome Him winning the ECW Title was big news, but now what? 7
9 Chris Benoit Well, at least he has a title. 6
10 New Age Outlaws Its good to have a really good tag team back in the WWF. -

Dropped out: Kane

Bottom 10