Top 10 WWF Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 Triple H By beating Steve Austin, he made things more interesting for now. 4
2 The Rock Will have his hands full with Triple H, Austin, and Mankind. 1
3 Steve Austin Good to see him completely back in action. 3
4 Mankind A possible heel turn might come soon. 3
5 Chyna Making history and humiliating Jeff Jarrett out of the WWF. -
6 Chris Jericho Its about time for him to get a title shot. 9
7 Val Venis Moving on up, but probably not for long. 10
8 Edge & ChristianTheir match at No Mercy was possibly the best match of the year. -
9 The Hardy Boyz An amazing team, but the should have beaten the Hollys. -
10 New Age Outlaws Hopefully they can get their titles back. 5

Dropped out: Jeff Jarrett, British Bulldog, Kane

Bottom 10