Top 10 WWF Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock If ya smelllllllllllllll, what the Rock, is, cookin. 2
2 Triple H Why? Cuz he’s that...damn...good. 1
3 Undertaker I’m getting sick of that Kid Rock song. -
4 Chris Jericho Putting on a good show in his home country. 3
5 Chris Benoit Could hold the IC strap for a long time. 4
6 Kurt Angle Your hero and mine. 5
7 Kane Became the #1 contender in his first match back. -
8 Eddy Guerrero Latino Heat is on a roll! 8
9 Hardcore Holly His IC title push has gotten him more respect. -
10 Edge & Christian Even with no titles, very entertaining. -

Dropped out: Big Show, Rikishi Phatu, Steve Austin, Crash Holly

Bottom 10