Top 10 WWF Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock Lots of people want his title. 1
2 Triple H The star of the best storyline in wrestling. 2
3 Kurt Angle Why is he the bad guy in this storyline? He’s an olympic hero! 3
4 Chris Benoit Not many notice, but he’s close to taking the Rock’s title. 4
5 Kane Kane as a guest commentator. Brilliant. 8
6 Eddie Guerrero Got the IC title, but has problems with Chyna. A mixed week for Latino Heat. 6
7 Chris Jericho Y2J falls to the lowest he’s been in a while. 5
8 Undertaker Another contender for the Rock’s title. -
9 Tazz Tazz as a guest commentator. Brilliant. 10
10 Chyna Making people mad, whether she means to or not. 7

Dropped out: Lita

Bottom 10