Top 10 WWF Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock Its official. The Rock IS the WWF. 1
2 Mankind He lost, but to someone not even in the match. 2
3 Triple H Big Show and Undertaker didnt win the titles, he did! 3
4 Kane Did you notice how X-Pacıs titantron video has an advertisement for Hansens Energy drink? 8
5 Big Show A champion again. 5
6 Undertaker He kept the Rock back while Big Show beat Mankind. 6
7 Steve Austin Take that Triple H! 10
8 Chris Jericho Bring back Ralphus!!! 4
9 Billy Gunn Im glad hes a good guy again. -
10 Edge Im just glad that the Acolytes dont get another title shot. -

Dropped out: The Dudley Boyz, Test

Bottom 10