Top 10 WWF Wrestlers of the Week

Rank Wrestler Comment Last Week
1 The Rock Man, this is gonna be good. 1
2 Steve Austin Time for him to be the top star again. 2
3 Triple H Hoping to make history at Wrestlemania again. 4
4 Kurt Angle Will he make Benoit tap out? 3
5 Chris Benoit Or he make Angle tap out (again)? 6
6 Chris Jericho He was the best Doink ever. 5
7 Undertaker Hopes to stay undefeated at Wrestlemania. 7
8 William Regal He’s gonna take out his frustration and he might end up with the IC title. 8
9 Rhyno ”The last man to ever hold the ECW title.” 9
10 Big Show Could dominate the hardcore title match. -

Dropped out: Spike Dudley

Bottom 10