Most web-kitties already know all about RPGs, but in case you're new at this, I guess I'll have to explain. RPG stands for Role-Playing Game, and you post on a board or mailing list as if you were a character, and do and say what you think they would do and say under the circumstances. On my RPG, you'll be allowed one character from the musical, and as many made-up Cats as you like!

E-mail me with your first two choices for musical characters, and your made-up characters. Once I OK you, you're welcome to join in! Please take some time to read the RPG Guidelines before posting.

Here are the musical characters that have already been taken:

•Rum Tum Tugger

Here are the characters still available:

•Bustopher Jones
•Rumpus Cat

Taken Made-Up Cats:

•Scar-let •Pekie

Enter the RPG