The Loungue

Yet another page of my cute wittle cyber beings. Instead of having another Playpen, like the last page was, this page is entitled 'The Loungue' due to that fact that all the adopted beings on this page are humans (more or less). They are all guardians of something or other, and they all come from Amanda's Page Guardian Adoption Agency. You can go check it out, 'cause there are ZILLIONS to choose from. Without further ado, let us proceed to the Guardians......

Xenoaa, Guardian of the Strange and Dillusional

This Guardian suits me very, VERY, well. I am a strange critter by nature, so enjoy having Guardians created to protect my kind! Strange-ness forever!!!!!!!!!!!!

Iloria, Protector of the Specially Challenged

This Guardian would also happen to fit me well. I am, shall we say, specially challenged, (YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHEH!), and I enjoy going around scaring people with my utter insanity. It is very very fun doing so. YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEEHEHHEHEHE!!!!! Power to specially challenged people!

Taurus, April 21-May 21

Um, this one doesn't have any real significance, other than the fact that I'm a Taurus. Enough said.

To see still more cyber pets, go here