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Excerpts from the LaPorte Union Newspaper.

E.M. Horan and R. Holmes, Proprietors.

Wednesday, September 27, 1854 edition.


The following is a summary of the statistics heretofore published in the Union in separate articles under the above head. It has been thought advisable to present them again, as they contain important information which the people ought to be familiar with at this particular time. We commend them to the special attention of our readers, and hope they will take pains to place them in the hands of others. - Temperance Union

Communication from the Sheriff

Having been called upon by some of our oldest citizens, after having been inducted into the office of Sheriff of Jefferson county, and requested to keep a record of the commitments to the jail of which I was keeper, together with the causes which led, directly, or indirectly, to the commission of the offences of which they stood charged; I beg leave to submit to the public, the following report:
The total number of commitments to the jail of Jefferson county, from the 1st day of November, 1850, to the 29th day, August, 1853, (being three years, nine months and twenty- nine days) were 1,246. Of which number, there were committed -

For Murder17
For Larceny35
For Forgery14
For Arson7
Assault and Battery with intent, &c., and minor offences1,098
Committed for insanity, delirium tremens, &c.25

Of the above number, 61 were females; of whom 50 were drunk, 5 insane and six sober. Of the males committed, 20 were insane, or suffering with delirium tremens; 60 were sober, and of the remaining 1,166, nearly every one were committed whilst under the influence of liquor, or can trace back their disgrace to that cause.

The total amount of jail fees received during that period was $5,276.20.

It is scarcely necessary for me to add, that the above sum of $5,276.20, for jail fees for less than four years, has been paid out of the hard earnings of our citizens in the form of taxes.

  • R.M. SMITH

    The following is from the New Albany Tribune:

    In looking over the last annual report of the Auditor of Floyd county, our attention was particularly directed to the following items of expenditure for the year next immediately preceeding, all of which came out of the pockets of the tax-payers of Floyd county:

    On account of Poor$4,250
    On account of Criminals$1,250
    On account of Jury fees$650
    On account of Bailiffs$217
    Making in all$6,367

    (The editor of the Tribune, thinking that a great deal of this expenditure was on account of intemperance, addressed an inquiry to the physicians of the poor asylum of the county, to which the following is a reply:)
    "In reply to your note of the 22nd inst., inquiring "what proportion of the inmates of the County Asylum were brought there by intemperance, directly or indirectly, so far as we know or believe," (having kept a register), we can state that since April, 1852, 87 persons have been admitted into the Asylum. Of this number there were 15 Germans, 30 Irish, 6 French, 34 Americans and unknown, and two blacks. Fifty-nine were adults, and eighteen were children. Intemperance has been the cause of bringing 77 of the whole number to the Asylum. The present number of paupers at the Asylum, and under the charge of Mr. Ellis, the present efficient superintendant, is 35 and only five of that number have escaped from the baleful influence of intemperance. In addition to our professional duties as physicians to the poor of Floyd county, in attending to the county Asylum, we are constantly called upon to administer to the wants of many who receive temporary assistance and we can safely say that nine-tenths of such cases are destitute and sufferers from intemperance.

    Very respectfully yours,

  • R.R. TOWN,
  • T.R. TUCKER.
  • Physicians to the Poor of Floyd County.

    I have examined the above report of Dr's. Town and Tucker in reference to the paupers of Floyd County, and believe the same to be true in every particular.


    State prosecutions on Docket of Clark Circuit Court, from February Term, 1840, to May term, 1854.

    Assault and Battery65
    Misdemeanors, Retailing, Gaming, Minor Trespasses, Riot, &c.407
    Other Criminal Offences23

    Statement of the orders drawn on the County Treasury for support of the poor, &c., from 1849 to 1853, inclusive.

    Expenses of Poor$4,434.44
    Expenses of Jails and Criminals1,130.78
    Pay of Jurors1,872.00
    Pay of Bailiffs624.00
    Estimate Ex. of Judges, Sheriff, &c.968.00

    The total expenses of Knox County for five years, ending January 1854, is $10,839.81.
    Of the expenses for keeping Poor, it is reliably estimated that that four-fifths arises from the use of liquor. Expenses of jails and Criminals, three-fourths; Jurors and Bailiffs, at least one-third.
    These estimates are from a source possessing the best means of determining the facts.

    Criminal Prosecutions
    In the same five years, there have been four hundred and eighty seven indictments found by the Grand Jury. The costs of those trials for Sheriff's, Clerk's and Witness's fees, &c., have been six thousand, one hundred and seventy four dollars and four-fifths of them have been caused by liquor. Astounding facts - ponder on them, freemen of Indiana, and say if it is not time these evils should come to an end.

    Statement of expenses for purposes therein named in Huntington county from 1848 to 1853.

    Amt. of Pauperism, Taxation from 1848 to 1853$7,582.60
    Amt. of Pauperism, Taxation, Jan. 1853 to March 18542,366.01
    Amt. for Bailiffs and Ex. fees to Sheriffs1,078.95
    Expense of Criminal Prosecutions, &c.1,224.57
    Fees paid to Pros. Attorneys for defence of Criminals497.00
    Jurors fees2,197.45
    Amt. to Assessors, Judges, & salary of C.C. Pleas Judge650.00
    Amt. received for license during the time910.00

    No account of Criminal Prosecutions was given from the County - and it is not stated how much of the above amount was attributable to the effects of intoxicating liquors, but from the amount paid for the license, it will no doubt average with the counties already given.
    (Transcriber's Note: The amounts shown above are rendered as shown in the original text. There appears to be no less than two typos here, as the number do not add up to the assumed subtotal and total. Nonetheless, it still gives the reader a good idea of the gravity of the issue at hand.).

    Criminal prosecutions have not been very numerous in this county yet. The county was only organized in 1844, and up to 1850, contained only 6,957 inhabitants. Yet in the last five years, we have had one prosecution for Murder, one for Rape, and two for Theft, which may be attributed directly to the use of intoxicating liquors, in not superinduced by drunkenness.

    Expenses of Courts$500.00
    Expenses of Poor626.00
    Expenses of Jurors1068.00
    Expenses of Criminals300.00
    Expenses of Bailiffs275.00

    A statement of criminal prosecutions in Lawrence County, Indiana, from the first of January, 1849 to the 1st of January, 1854.

    For Affrays3Attributed to liquor2
    Retailing spirits180(ditto)180
    Assault & Battery31(ditto)20
    Malicious Trespass5(ditto)3
    Disturbing Meetings5(ditto)3
    Horse Racing4(ditto)3
    Other Prosecutions50(ditto)20

    Statement of expenses for purposes therein set forth in Lawrence county, for five years, from 1848 to 1852 inclusive:

    Expenses of Poor$2,977.39
    Expenses of Jails & Criminals577.39
    Expenses of Courts, &c.2,260.12

    It will be noticed that more than three-fourths of the Criminal prosecutions are attributed to the use of liquors. It is but fair, therefore, to consider the ratio in the expenses of the Courts, Poor, &c. is the same.

    Expenses of Grand & Petit Jurors for 5 years$8,401.87
    Expenses of Bailiffs for 5 years2,905.11
    Expenses of Court for 5 years1,606.04
    Expenses of Criminals for 5 years5,457.77
    Expenses of Poor for 5 years7,958.83
    In all$26,329.62

    This it will be remembered, is exclusive of Judges' salary, Clerks' fees, Attorneys' fees, witnesses' fees, &c., to say nothing of the time loss in attendance by witnesses, parties, &c.
    Here then are $26,329.62, expended by the County of Marion, alone for the purpose all of which is derived from the taxes collected off the people.
    It can be authenticated that full two-thirds of the above amount is to be attributed to the effects of the use as a beverage of intoxicating liquor.

    Extract from a Speech of Hon. Wm. P. Fessenden
    (Transcriber's note: The original newspaper, from which this microfilm version was made, was torn in places. I have attempted to recreate the text to the best of my ability, as the article is quite interesting. Such sections will be identified by the use of parentheses around the words or phrases).

    The following extract from a speech of Senator Fessenden, is as applicable to the state of things in Indiana as in Maine. Read it, Whig; read it, Free-Soiler. We quote from the Lewiston Journal:

    Hon. Wm. Fessenden said he had always been known as a Whig. He had no desire at this time to conceal the fact. But the idea of meeting in Convention members of the different political parties, and who had entertained all shades of views, he had been thinking over for some time. He (re)joiced at being present at such a meet(ing) and to meet persons against whom he (had) once contended. He rejoiced that thi(s is) now a common issue on which all (agree). I see many old Whigs, with whom I (once) fought, shoulder to shoulder. I als(o see) Democrats and Free Soilers all unit(e for) one common principle. I am very ha(ppy to) see ladies present; but I have no time (to in)dulge in figures and tropes. We must (pro)ceed to business as plain, common (1 word) men. I joined the Whig organization when it was formed. The principles of the Whigs were conservative - in favor of a General Banking Institution and Tariff. The national Bank is gone. The Tariff question is dropped for the present. There is not a single influential Whig who bases political action on these questions. Democrats are found acting like Whigs upon them, according to local interests.

    There have been for some years past successes of both parties; and how have they been used? They have been used for transferring the offices from one set of men to another. The great issue has been, whether A. should be in, and B. out; or B. in, and A. out - whether C. or D. should be Postmaster of some country village. People were losing their interest in politics. It made no difference whether one party ruled or another; it was just the same to them.

    During all this time there has been a steady struggle between freedom and slavery. While political leaders have contended for useless principles, Slavery has been gradually bearing down the North. In 1820 both parties acquiesced in the Compromise measures. I never favored them. I do not favor them now. When these measures were passed, the cup was full to the brim. A Compromise of 30 years standing, which preserved a vast domain from the contaminating influences of slavery was repealed.

    We were told that the people of the North would make a noise for a short time, and then all would go on quietly. The Democrats will be told that it is a party measure, and will acquiesce. Yet there were some Democratic members of Congress who stood up and told their leaders they never would swallow this. Hon. Samuel Mayall nobly sustained the honor of the Second District. I tell you, that if I were an inhabitant of that district and Mayall was the nominee of the Democratic party, and the best Whig I know of, his opponent for Congress, I would vote for Samuel Mayall. {Cheers}. (Transcriber's note: Refers to the cheers of the audience).

    Politicians have found that Slavery is profitable. The contest is between Free and Slave labor. Now the question is plain - it is the only one at issue. What is there then that prevents any one before me, from acting with me in this great struggle.

    I have been in a minority, and should now be in private life, were it not for some gentlemen {Morrill men} I see near me. If you see a government advertisement in a Newspaper, you will find near it an article in favor of the Nebraska bill, or if you hear a man apologising for it, be sure that he has been promised a nomination for some office. {Laughter}. The bill has no friends without government officials or office seekers. For what are parties instituted? Is it that we may vote with one set of men rather than another?

    We belong to parties because the principles they profess agree with our own convictions of right. If then, this is the great, the only principle at issue, why do we not all belong to the same party?

    I care not how many coalitions I join, provided I can accomplish some good by so doing. We should act like blind fools, if we did not unite, and crush those pot-house politicians who seek to rule through our division. Shall the Free Soilers say, we have been right all along, now come over to us? Shall the Morrill Democrats call upon others to come over to them? Shall the Whigs say to come over to them? Shall the Whigs say to the Free Soilers and Democrats, here we have been a party of Freedom, we are now all right on the great question of the day? No, this is not the way to proceed. In uniting with you upon the great issue, I am not called upon to say I am not a Whig, nor that you are not a Democrat. We must unite in a spirit of conciliation. We must feel that we have these great principles to carry out. We must be as ready to give, as to take. It is foolish for us to refuse to bend the hinges of our knees to accomplish good. I should have been pleased to have seen my tried friend {Gen. Morrow}, a long tried Whig, nominated as a candidate for Congress. But the opponents of the Nebraska bill met, and decided upon the name of Gen. Perry; and if I lived in this district I should surely vote for him. Why? Because at the present time, we are of the same party - we entertain the same opinion.

    Through private prejudice, am I to allow my worst Nebraska enemy to triumph? I am willing to recognize as a brother and a friend, any man who is willing to unite with me in resisting this great outrage. The coming election is of vast importance. Our election comes early. If we elect an entire Anti-Nebraska delegation to Congress, and to our Legislature, it will tell as the first notes from Iowa have told on the originators of this scheme.

    If we suffer our opposition to die away, we shall be laughed at by Southern men. They will go on with their attacks upon freedom. They will withdraw our squadron from the Coast of Africa. Negroes are dear now, Virginia already gets $1,200 for a good negro, and Southern gentlemen must have recourse to other markets where flesh and blood is sold at lower prices. The annexation of Cuba is already in progress. We are united in sentiment against the encroachments upon Northern rights; let us then unite our votes. If you nominate a Whig for this purpose, I am ready to support him - if a Democrat, I am ready to support him - if a Free Soiler, I am equally ready to support him.

    Our fathers fought for liberty we hold dear. We pride ourselves in that freedom which the Founders of the Republic transmitted to us. Shall we allow our country, the home of Liberty, to be held up as a black spot on the map of the world, (as sc)orn to its inhabitants? We hold the (remedy) in one hand, and let us unitedly, (and fin)ally use it.

    Marriage and Death Announcements, gleaned from this newspaper between September 13th and October 25th, 1854.

    Weds., Sept. 13, 1854.
    Died - In Laporte, Sept. 6th at 8 o'clock A.M., Ann Augusta Josephine, daughter of Harrison and Lavina Tyner, in the eighth year of her age.

    Weds., Sept. 20, 1854.
    MARRIED - On Monday the 11th ult., by Rev. W.E. Franklin, Mr. C. Tymeson, to Miss Mary H. Mathews, all of this city.
    In Door Village, Sept. 10th, by J.B. Higgins, Esq., Mr. Nahum Cross, of Valparaiso, to Miss Harriet M. Reynolds, of Kingsbury.
    DIED - Of Congestion of the Brain, at the former residence of E. Morrison, two miles east of Laporte, on the night of the 17th inst., at half past 12 o'clock, Henry W. Lamb, aged 16 years and 2 months.
    CORRECTION - In the notice published in Union of the 6th inst., of the death of the son of Mr. Salisbury, an error occurred. It should have read: "Died - Near Byron, LaPorte Co., Ind., on Saturday the 2nd inst., Fred LeRoy, son of Mr. Alfred B. and Minerva E. Salisbury, aged two years and three months."

    Weds., Sept. 27, 1854.
    MARRIED - In Door Village, Sept. 24th by J.B. Higgins, Mr. George Dunbar of LaPorte, to Miss Louisa Havens of this same place.

    Weds., Oct. 4, 1854.
    MARRIED - In the city of Laporte, Sept. 28th, by Rev. J.W. Cunningham, Mr. Marlon B. Woodley, to Miss Catharine Carpenter.
    In the city of Laporte, on the 23d of Sept., Mr. Chas. LaHayn, to Miss Dorcas Matz.
    In the city of Laporte, on the 30th of Sept., Mr. Joshua Watson, to Miss Mary H. O'Brian.
    In the city of Laporte, on the 30th of Sept., Mr. Mathew Moran, to Miss Mary Charlesworth.
    In the city of Laporte, on the 1st of Oct., Mr. Frederick Kenurke, to Miss Jenesha Pearley, all of LaPorte County.

    Weds., Oct. 11, 1854.
    MARRIED - In the city of Laporte, on the 5th inst., by Rev. A.Y. Moore, Capt. John H. Gardner, of South Bend, to Miss Mary Frances, eldest daughter of Madore Crater of LaPorte Co.

    Weds., Oct. 18, 1854.
    MARRIED - In this city on the 15th inst., by Rev. J.W. Cunningham, Mr. Edward Younglove, to Miss Ellen A. Adams.
    On the 15th by Dr. Wm. J. Holcombe, Cyrus F. York, to Miss Aurelia Hinman.
    DIED - In Elkhart, on the night of the 13th inst., Elder Corbly Martin, aged 60 years, 6 months and 23 days.
    In this city, on the 13th of Oct., Mr. Wm. Seffins, aged 80 years and 6 months.
    Of Consumption in this city, Mrs. Sarah M., wife of John Benney, on the morning of the 6th of Oct. Supported by the bright hopes imparted by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    Weds., Oct. 25, 1854.
    DIED - On the 19th inst., at Byron, Ind., Ella Jane, only daughter of Minerva E. and Alfred B. Salisbury, aged 1 year and 3 days.
    At his residence in Fulton County, Ind., James Bell, aged 46 years.
    In this city, on the 7th inst., Edmond, infant son of E. and J. Urquhart, aged 8 months and 7 days.

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