Low Cemetery, Coolspring Township, LaPorte County, IndianaLow Cemetery is an approximately one acre cemetery located on a hillside at the corner of 625 West and Johnson Roads in Coolspring Township. It is an old, but very well-maintained cemetery containing about 200 graves, including many old stones. Much credit should be given to the local historical societies as they have done a marvelous job in keeping the tombstones in excellent repair. The property was donated by the farmer Daniel Low in the 1830s. More interesting, according to local history sources, his farm was used as a connection point on the "Underground Railroad".The following list is a transcription of the tombstones in the cemetery was taken in proximal order going from south to north. It was taken directly from the legible stones, and in order to ensure accuracy, I have also coordinated this index with one taken by the La Porte Co. D.A.R. in 1947-49. The items shown in blue text were not discernable to me, but were recorded in this original D.A.R. index. It should also be noted that some of the names I've listed here were not included in this original index, and I have identified these as such.
Back Row:![]()
1 a) Ezekiel Blue, Died Jan. 30, 1875 (unreadable). 2) Eleanor L. Chaffee, d. March 22, 1858, age 20y, 9m, 22d. 3) (unreadable stone). 4) Mary, wife of Sylvester Griffin, died June 4, 1861. Aged 71y, 2m, 23d. 5) Sarah Jane, wife of Warren Stevens. Died July 31, 1872, age 56y, 10m, 16d.
6) (Note: This is a family plot. One newer stone for whole family,
surrounded by older, smaller stones). Large stone reads as follows,
starting from the north, clockwise around the stone: 7) Josiah Redding, Died Dec. 21, 1871. Aged 48y, 14d. (Note: His grave has a G.A.R. 1861-1865 veteran's marker). 8) Lewis G. Poste, Born May 30, 1839. Died Sept. 18, 1890. (Inscription unreadable). 9 a) Mary A., Wife of Isaac Hager. 1826-1912.b) Isaac Hager, 1819-1893. c) Elizabeth Hager, 1852-1865. d) Lawrence O. Hager, 1856-1909. e) Nora E. Hager 1861-1935.
10) (Note: Family gravestone, written on 3 sides. Individual markers
are located behind large stone). b) Horace, Son of A. & M. Harper. Born March 23, 1846. Died Nov. 23, 1869. c) William, Son of A. & M. Harper. Born April 2, 1859. Died July 11, 1880. 11 a) Electa A., wife of Thomas Davis, d. Nov. 10, 1858, age 33y, 6m, 15d.. b) Thomas Davis, (unreadable).
2nd Row:1) Seth W. Hunt, Born Oct. 14, 1842. Aged 34y, 5m, 1d. (Inscription). (Transcriber's note: The writing on this stone is quite clear. According to the D.A.R. index for this stone, it should read as follows: "Seth W. Hunt, Oct. 14, 1800 - Oct. 15, 1887." It is possible that this stone was broken and later repaired with an incorrect piece.)2) Charlotte (?), (unreadable).
3 a) S.W. Baldwin, Died Sept. 13, 1842. Aged 16y, 3m, 4d. (Inscription)
4) (Note: Here is a family stone, written on 3 sides; 4th side
totally unreadable. Smaller individual, stones located adjacently. In the D.A.R. listing, I can find neither reference to Philena A., C.J. nor Z.W. Palmer, however these are quite clear). Large stone reads as follows: 5) Albert, (unreadable) (Note: This seems to be Albert Palmer's individual stone). 6) Angeline, dau. of E. & F. Palmer, d. Jan. 4, 1853, aged 15y, 8m, 11d. 7) (Unreadable). 8) (Unreadable). 9) Hiram Palmer, d. Feb. 10, 1865, age 35y, 11m, 15d. 10) Charles W. Son of I.S. and E.H. ______(unreadable). Died Dec. 3, 185(6). 11) (Unreadable), Oct. 3, 1861. Aged 31 y, 8m, 12d. 12) (Unreadable). 13) (Unreadable).
14 a) Elvira Freese, 1832-1875. 15) (Unreadable) (Note: G.A.R. 1861-1865 veteran's marker).
16 a) George W. Rowley, 1847-1926.
3rd Row:![]() 1) (Unreadable). 2) Sarah E., (unreadable). 3) (Unreadable). 4) (Unreadable). 5) (Unreadable). 6) William M., son of W.G. & L.V. Van Dusen, d. Nov. 22, 1870, age 26y, 18d. 7) Maria, Wife of Samuel Hemenway. Died Aug. 20, 1853. Aged 53 y. 8-12) (Note: There are 5 unreadable stones located here). 13) Seth Rose, Died Jan. 24, 1839, age 36y, 9m, 8d.. 14) Sarah B., Wife of (unreadable)
4th Row:1) Elizabeth, (unreadable).2) John White, d. Jun. 26, 1864, aged 75y, 6m, 7d. 3) Elizabeth, wife of John White, Aug. 11, 1790 - Apr. 11, 1877. 4) Andrew, (unreadable). 5) Clara L., dau. of M. & E. ________ (unreadable), died July 7, 1871. (Note: Child's stone). 6) Sergt. Simeon Wheeler, Conn. Mil., Rev. War. Jan. 30, 1761 - 1841. (Transcriber's note: This is a relatively new gravestone, the inscription is very clear, and no dates are present. Based on the D.A.R. listing, the original stone was probably replaced).
7 a) Jane, wife of Geo. Bentley, died Dec. 4, 1858. (Note: Remainder of stone obscured
in concrete footing). (Per D.A.R. - age 68y, 5m, 5d. 8) (Unreadable). 9) Chauncy C. Hulse, d. Oct. 6, 1871, age ____. 10) Loreston Haven, d. Dec. 14, 1878. Aged 59y, 1m, 3d.
5th Row:1) Israel Shreve, d. May 18, 1865, age 50y, 1m, 18d.
2 a) Daniel B. Replogle, d. Apr. 17, 1871, age 50 yrs.
3 a) Mary Pagels "Mother", 1875-1920.
4) Bossert: John J., 1846-1932.
6th Row:1) George E., "Our son" (unreadable), died May 11, 1860, (unreadable).2) B.B.. (Small stone, no other writing visible).
3 a) Bentley: A.D., 1829-1913. b) Father. c) Mother. d) Bertha, 1862-1918. e) Minnie, 1872-1874. 4) Maxie S., son of E. & A. Evenburg, aged 6 weeks. (Note: No date visible).
5 a) Harriet L., wife of Robert Butterfield, died August 10, 1859, age 36y, 6m, 26d.
6 a) Harriet, wife of Simeon Freese, died Feb. 11, 1872, aged 63y, 10m, 18d.
7) Noah Hulbert, died (July) 11, 1872, aged (72)y, 5m, 17d. (Transcriber's note: This particular gravestone is not in the D.A.R. listing, but is quite clear and legible). 8) Alfred Dowd, died Nov. 19, 1857, aged 67 years. (Note: Faint poem underneath). 9) Sarah A., (unreadable).
10 a) Gotlieb Gloff, Feb. 24, 1824 - Dec. 3, 1907.
7th Row1) Rowley: Austin H., 1844-1925.
2 a)Sylvester Griffin, died Sept. 12, 1864, aged 51y, 10m, 15d.
3 a) Samuel Fritz, "Father", born Nov. 11, 1813, died Jan. 1, 1880.
8th Row1 a) (Unreadable).b) (Unreadable - Child's stone). c) Lewis L., (Unreadable - Child's stone). (Note: These two children's stones, are located directly in front of stone 1-a.) 2) (Unreadable). 3) Phebe A., dau. of B. & R. Beal Died Aug. 8, 1859, age 6y, 2m, 4d. (Child's stone) 4) H.R.(Small stone). 5) (Unreadable - Small stone). 6) (Unreadable - Small stone).
7 a) Wendel Thorp, 1897-1897. (Note: This is a family stone which was lying on its face when I found it. At this time, the inscription on the face is unreadable). c) Merle R., (Her Individual stone). d) Warren Thorp, born May 29, 1861, died Sept. 30, 1890. 8) Etta Owen, July 25, 1870 - Aug. 19, 1890. 9) Margaret, wife of Amos Thorp, died Sept. 26, 1876, age 43y, 3m, 7d. 10) Lydia, , dau. A. & M. Thorp, died Nov. 1, 1872, age 17y, 4d.
11 a) James Thorp, April 14, 1877 - Oct. 6, 1883. 12) Anna Fritz, "Mother", Born July 28, 1821, died April 1, 1898.
Row 9(Note: This is the Redding family stone, written on all 4 sides). 1) Lewis Redding, born Apr. 9, 1821, died July 11, 1901.2) (unreadable - small stone). 3)Mary, wife of H.L. Rice. (Note: Rest of stone is buried - per D.A.R.): died Jan. 12, 1870, age 62 years. 4) D.B.R., (small stone). 5) Harry (B.), (unreadable), (died 1869/0) (Rest of stone is buried). 6) Jacob R., son of L. & B. Fogle, died Jan. 22, 1863, aged 20y, 8m, 16d. (G.A.R. 1861-'65 stake here). 7) (M.B.) (small stone). 8) Clara Betke (Note: Nothing else on this stone; directly in front of #7). 9) J.W. Butterfield, d. Apr. 10, 1863, age 53y, 3m, 6d. (G.A.R. 1861-'65 stake here).
10 a) August Betke, died May 11, 1876, age 52y, 1m, 10d. (G.A.R. 1861-'65 stake here).
10th Row1) (unreadable)2) John G. Glime, died Nov. 5, 1863, (age 21 years, 10 months). (Faint poem). 3) (unreadable) 4) (Broken stone) 5) Mary, (unreadable) 6) (Broken stone) 7) Mary, (unreadable) 8) James J. Churchill, died July 16, 1876, age 36y, 7m, 24d..(G.A.R. 1861-'65 stake here). 9) Mary G. Davidson, died Nov. 28, 1866, aged 68y, 2m, 12d. 10) (Maria), (unreadable).
11th Row1) Frederick Hul(kde), died (Dec. 27, 1871).(Note: There are no persons named "Frederick" in the D.A.R. listing, however it is quite clear. Surname does not appear to be Hulse, which is elsewhere in the cemetery).
2 a) Mary, wife of J. Kitchenmaster, Nov. 10, 1824 - Feb. 26, 1902. 3) (unreadable) 4) Fritz, (unreadable).
12th Row1) Sarah A., (unreadable).2) (unreadable - poss. child's stone). 3) Bridget Forrester, (obliterated due to repair) born in Ireland, 1817 - Dec. 2, 1887
4 a) Mary, wife of Moses Leroy, died Jan. 15, 1871, aged 27y, 11m, 11d. 5) Martin W., (unreadable - child's stone).
13th Row1) Mary Badkey Miller (New stone, no other inscription).
2 a) "Mother" (Small individual stone, Forrester plot). c) Victor L., son of Wm. & J.V. Forrester, (unreadable). d) James Forrester, Co B, 155 REGT IND INF, 1839-1900. (Note: New style military stone, G.A.R. stake).
3 a) "Infant" dau. of G. & P. Kienitz, 1895.
4 a) (unreadable - child's stone) (Note: Seems to be in the Gloff plot).
14th Row1) David B. Gould, July 30, 1835 - Sept. 11, 1909.2) Etta Nead, "Mother", 1889 - 1927. 3) (Stone missing). 4) Elizabeth R., wife of B.J. Lumbard, d. Sept. 16, 1884, age 60 years. 5) (unreadable).
6 a) L.B. Lumbard, died Feb. 26, 1862, aged 18y, 1m, 18d. (G.A.R. 1861-65 stake here).
15th Row1 a) Leo Kepper, 1844-1926.b) Elise, dau. of L. & E. Kepper, born Dec. 2(9), 1878, died May 6, 1901. c) Leo H., son of L. & E. Kepper, born Nov. (4), 1881, died Nov. 30, 1890. (Note: Neither this stone, nor the previous stone are present in the D.A.R. listing).
2 a) Catherine, (Individual stone).
3) Henry Evenburg, 1821-1908.
4 a) Annis C. Jackson, "Mother", born Feb. 26, 1821, died June 25, 1889.
5 a) Frank Crk, 1850-1927, "Rest in Peace".
16th Row1) Lena A., dau. of D. & L. McGarity, born Dec. 7, 187(9), died April 2, 1891.
2 a) Edward Flanigan, 1905-1923.