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Excerpts from Early Editions of the Michigan City Weekly Dispatch.

H.H. Francis, Publisher. Established A.D. 1879. Price $2.00 per year.

Thursday, November 13, 1884 edition, page 1.

Henry Smith, While Stealing a Ride, Meets his Death.
(From Monday's Daily).
Henry Smith, a carpenter 25 years of age, has been lying in one of the offices of the Michigan Central depot in an unconscious condition since Sunday morning, owing to his attempt to alight from passenger train No. 8, due here from the east at 5 a.m. each morning. He was found soon after the accident, with a hole crushed in his skull several inches in circumference and the brains oozing forth. He was dressed very fairly and had over $5 in his pockets, together with a receipt dated Battle Creek, Saturday, Nov. 8th, received from the Michigan Central road for a tool chest billed as freight and consigned to Chicago. On this clue his identity was disclosed by frequent telegrams. It was ascertained that the unfortunate man's name was as stated above, that he had labored in Battle Creek for five weeks, and had left there with the intention of beating his way to Chicago, where he expected further employment. It was also learned that he had a brother in Gratiot county, Mich., and another in South Bend. The Michigan man was was telegraphed of the accident and if he comes to claim the effects, he will arrive to-morrow. The injured man has been unconscious since the occurrence and died late this afternoon. The remains will be turned over to the county authorities unless claimed by the relatives.

The LaPorte Argus relates the following:
Fred Silverstroft, formerly a resident of this city, but for several years has been in the employ of a farmer named Wilson, near New Buffalo, has mysteriously disappeared, and his absence is creating some alarm among his friends. He has worked some three years for Mr. Wilson and lived pleasantly with his wife and family in the neighborhood. His employer recently paid him something over one hundred dollars in money, and he came to this city and staid over night. He disappeared in the morning and has not since been heard from, although much effort has been made to find him. It is reported that he was seen to board the train for Chicago on the morning he was missed. Some of his friends fear foul play, but others think he has "skipped" the country. His family know nothing about him and are much alarmed about his unexpected absence.

Deserved Promotion.
Florence Sullivan, for many years roadmaster of the Indianapolis, Peru and Chicago road, between this city and Peru, and later having charge of the entire road extending to Indianapolis, has again been promoted by the Wabash, this time the entire road-bed between Detroit and Logansport and Indianapolis and Michigan City being placed under his care. The increased duties necessitated an assistant and he has appointed his son-in-law, J.D. Hobon, to the charge of the Michigan City and Indianapolis branch. Under the new order, both gentlemen will be compelled to remove their families to Peru, which will hereafter be headquarters. We regret very much the to lose Messrs. Sullivan and Hobon from our midst, for they have been wide-awake citizens. The former will probably resign his seat in the city council and a special election ordered to fill the vacancy.

Thursday, November 20, 1884 edition, page 1.

A Serious Accident
A.S. Vail, of Springfield township, came near meeting with a fatal accident last Friday at his mill. He was superintending the sawing of some heavy timbers which are to be used in repairing the government dredge at this place. The work required the timbers to be raised from the carriage, which was done with a chain and tackle blocks; while the timber was suspended, the gearing by some means gave way, bringing a block which was attached to the chain around with a great velocity, striking Mr. Vail, who was standing near by, on the head, knocking him down, where he remained unconscious for some time. He had two ugly gashes cut in the top of his head, but on examination it was found that he had sustained no serious injury. Those who saw the accident say it is a miracle that Mr. Vail was not killed. The experience above mentioned did not end the difficulty with the timber being handled. After the sawing had been completed, the timber was being let down the carriage way, out of the mill, when a chain attached to the trucks caught around the legs of a laborer in the mill, drawing him against a post, almost cutting his feet off. He was taken to his home and is under the care of a physician. It was not known at last accounts whether any bones were broken, but it is certain that he is badly injured. The stick was finally loaded on trucks and brought to this city without further incident.

The Juries.
Circuit Court commenced at La Porte for the November term last Monday and the list of jurors is as follows:

Grand Jury - A.J. Rogers, R.B. Goit, John F. Decker, Ira C. Nye, Joseph DeWolfe, J.F.M. Loyd.

Petit Jury - Reynolds Couden, Jas. K. Canouth, D.P. Fail, James Hison, Ernest Kimball, P. King, James Wilson, J.B. Sillman, L.D. Webber, Enos Weed, Lafayette Cram and John Richter.

J.E. DeWolfe, a member of the Grand Jury, is on duty at La Porte today. Reynolds Couden and Ernest Kimball of this city have been chosen to serve on the petit jury at this term of the circuit court.

Out and In Again
John Redmond was discharged from the northern prison Saturday afternoon after serving a year from Marion county for grand larceny. The cold blasts of winter probably chilled him to a considerable extent, and a desire for good winter quarters induced him to ply his old avocation. He had not been outside the walls six hours before he attempted to walk off with an overcoat, dummy and all. It was about 6 o'clock on Saturday evening when Redmond who, thought the coast was clear, helped himself to an overcoat in front of Henoch's clothing store, not stopping to extricate the wire dummy which was supporting it. He carried the stolen articles across the street and deposited them in the alley between Krantz's clothing store and Schwager's saloon. A laborer noticing the act called the attention of policeman Lynch who happened near and chase was given. Barney saw the dummy and thought he had his man, but after floundering around discovered his mistake. Redmond in the meantime had disappeared, but was apprehended in a saloon shortly afterwards. He was arrested and locked up until Monday when he had an examination before Squire Dibble, which resulted in his being bound over to the circuit court in the sum of $100. He was taken there that afternoon and will be sent to prison again within a week. His cell will hardly have time to get cold. It is said he has served one term at Joliet and is recognized as a petty thief.

Our German Farmer
The novelty of a new skating rink and other attractions served to diminish the attendance at Mozart hall last week to witness the presentation of Alf Wyman's "Our German Farmer", but then they had a paying house, and those who were so fortunate as to be present were delighted with the drama, and the artistic manner in which it was rendered. Mr. Wyman is a comedian of no ordinary ability, and in his characters reminds one strongly of Chas. A. Gardner. He has a fine physique, excellent voice and is perfectly at home behind the footlights. He was ably supported by Miss Lulu Wilson, a cute and captivating star who instantly makes friends with the audience by her fascinating ways. The balance of the company are fair and withal above the average.

Thursday, December 25, 1884 edition.

The G.A.R.
The DISPATCH has learned upon very reliable authority that certain republican members of Phil Kearney post, G.A.R., of this city, are volunteering the information that the DISPATCH has or would refuse, if asked, to publish a communication, giving in detail their side of the late disgraceful political squabble in which the post has been involved. The DISPATCH wishes to state right here that these allegations are a tissue of miserable falsehoods, and especially so when uttered by individuals, who, if they had their just des(s)erts, would adorn a cell in the Northern prison. No republican member of the G.A.R. has ever asked the publication of any article of any character, but had they done so, it would have been received and printed in the same manner as other communications. The very fact that the reputable members of the post allow two or three miserable characters of the town to screen their detestable doings behind a falsehood, in a measure, convinces us that the charges made by the democratic members are in fact and substance.

Death of A.J. Rogers
Andrew Jackson Rogers, one of the best known, as well as one of the most popular men in LaPorte county, died of paralysis of the bowels at his home in LaPorte Saturday afternoon, after a lingering illness of several weeks duration. The deceased had hosts of friends in every part of the county, all of whom will mourn his untimely death. "Jack" Rogers, as he was more commonly known, was an honest, upright and warm-hearted man in every respect, and one that the county can ill afford to lose. He was an ardent and sterling democrat, and at all times took a deep interest in politics and the welfare of his party. He leaves a wife and several children. He was a member of the LaPorte Commandery Knights Templar, and will be buried with Masonic honors.

DIED, in Chicago, on Dec. 18th, of general debility, after a lingering illness of many years, Mrs. Harriet M. Laughlin, aged 61 years, 4 months.

Mrs. Laughlin was a former resident of this city, she was twice married, her first husband's name being Adkins, who was in business here many years ago. The remains were brought from Chicago to this city Monday and interred in Greenwood cemetery. The ceremony was held at the grave, and was conducted by Rev. J.A. Clearwaters of the M.E. church. Among others from Chicago who accompanied the remains to this city were E.V. Adkins, son of the deceased and wife; Miss Alina Adkins, a daughter, and John Gray and wife. Mrs. Gray was a sister of Mrs. Laughlin. Couden Young, of Effingham, Ill., a relative of the late lamented, also accompanied the party. The relatives returned home Monday evening after performing the last sad rites over the remains of a beloved mother and sister.

Death of N. Hennich
Mr. Nicholas Hennich died Saturday at Eureka Springs, Arkansas of indigestion. Mr. Hennich had been a resident of this city for the past fourteen years, and last summer went to Arkansas with the hope of benefiting his health, but it made little improvement in him. He had gradually been getting worse, and last week sent for his son-in-law, John Debre, of this city. Mr. Debre immediately left for the Springs, but arrived too late, for the patient had died. The remains were hurried to this city, arriving here at midnight Monday. The funeral will occur from the residence of Mr. Debre to-morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. J. Hoch, of St. John's church, officiating. Mr. Hennich was born in Saxony, Germany, and was 64 years of age. He leaves one child, Mrs. Debre, together with friends to mourn his loss.

(Note: The following was printed in the "Personal" section).
Mr. Charles Hennich, of O'Dell, Ill., is in the city, to attend the funeral of his brother, the late Nicholas Hennich.

Mr. Lincoln P. Goodhue, formerly of this city, now principal of the commercial department, of South Chicago public schools, was married Monday in Bath, New York, to Miss Elizabeth W. Gray, of that city. They will be "at home" in South Chicago after January 15th. On Saturday evening a reception will be tendered them at the residence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Goodhue. The many friends of the groom in this city will join with the DISPATCH in wishing him and his bride a life of unalloyed happiness.

Thursday, February 26, 1885 edition.

Penitentiary Happenings.
"Notes and incidents occurring within the walls of the Northern Prison".

  • "Fresh fruit" arrives every day.
  • The count today figures up 723.
  • The hospital has but few occupants.
  • The health of our prison remains first-class.
  • John Curran has a sore limb, caused by a fall.
  • The prison now quits work at 5:45 each evening.
  • Take the Daily DISPATCH, only 50 cents per month.
  • Mr. Burch, night watch, is again at his post of duty.
  • Capt. Donly does not like moving. Too much like hard work.
  • George Daily has charge of the north cell house temporarily.
  • Mr. Kelly, a new arrival of Attica, will assume the duties of guard soon.
  • Sunday was a cold day, but the prison chapel was well attended by visitors.
  • Wm. Slattery, of Crawfordsville, takes a position as guard at this institution.
  • D.R. McConnell continues to improve; and will soon be able to take his place on the force.
  • Chaucy (Chauncy?) Blair's new residence, built last year northwest of the prison, is still unoccupied.
  • Richard Wolfe is among his old friends and acquaintances at Fort Wayne for a few days.
  • Charles Young still thinks he could fill a government position under Cleveland and Hendricks.
  • The life prisoners are waiting patiently to see what will be done with Senator Hoover's benefit bill.
  • John Ragland's son, Manson, who is sick with lung fever, improves, under the care of Dr. J.R. Calvert.
  • Thomas Bowers has gone to La Fayette to see George Woods, who is in a dying condition in the Sister's hospital in that city.
  • Warden Murdock and lady will take in the New Orleans exposition, besides that, visit many other places of importance in the south.
  • Thomas Slattery, of Crawfordsville, who has been the guest of Warden Murdock and other friends at the prison, returned home to-day.

A Brakeman Injured.
The Joliet News tells of a Michigan Central brakeman who lives in this city, being injured. It gives the particulars as follows:
I.W. Williams, a M.C.R.R. brakeman, met with a narrow escape from death or very serious injury yesterday afternoon, while his train was pulling out from this city. It seems that there were only ten cars in the train which was being hauled by two locomotives, and the train was soon under pretty good headway; Williams, who was the forward brakeman, started from the caboose to go over the train to the engine, and about the time he was midway of the train, his head came in contact with the bridge that supports the shafting running over the the track from the engine house to the old elevator; and the unfortunate man was knocked senseless.

The other brakeman who witnessed the accident, but too late to warn Williams, rushed to the rescue of his stricken companion and prevented his rolling from the car. The train was stopped and the wounded man taken to the freight office and a doctor sent for, when it was found that the injured man had received a severe scalp wound about three inches long, extending across the top of the cranium, but fortunately there was no fracture and Williams will be able to resume his duties again in a week or ten days.

Maggie was After Him.
All our readers will remember Miss Maggie Smith, for some time a resident of this city, and as the Peru Sentinel says, a very amiable but susceptible damsel of uncertain age. Maggie frequented the beer and dance gardens while here, and on several occasions, was, she admits, somewhat the worse for it. On one of these ramblings she fell in with David Henderson, a fresh young railroader; in fact, David was a passenger brakeman on the Wabash road running between Indianapolis and this city. In the course of time, Maggie alleges that Henderson ruined her and to even matters up, she proposed to prosecute him. Accordingly, the first step in the matter was taken some months ago, when Henderson was hauled up here before Squire Snook. Pleading non-residence, he was released. Maggie went to Peru, the home of both these erring people and there set her ropes to capture him again. Henderson went to Indianapolis and there he remained while Maggie laid for him at Peru. Concluding finally that she would never attain the desired justice unless the young man was immediately secured, she sent an officer to the capital, who after long waiting, captured his man and took him to Peru where he will either "fix" matters up or stand trial. At all events, Henderson is in a bad way and if he escapes the law this time, he will be more careful in his ramblings in the future.

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