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Berrien County Townships

Entries in maroon font have been transcribed from Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia, published in 1876 by A.J. Johnson & Co., New York.

Pipestone Township


1 - Mt. Pleasant

2 - Coldwell (Eau Claire)

3 - Zion Evangelical

4 - Ferry

5 - Rector

6 - Unknown - site

7 - Ely Graves





Berrien Township

Berrien, a township of Berrien county, Michigan. Population 1405.

Berrien Springs, a post-village, captial of Berrien county, Michigan, on the St. Joseph River, about 15 miles from Lake Michigan and 160 miles west-southwest of Lansing. Population 662.


8 - Morris Chapel

9 - Franklin

10 - South Union (Berrien Center)

11 - Maple Grove

12 - Long Lake






Niles Township

Niles, post-village and township of Berrien county, Michigan, on Michigan Central Railroad, 90 miles east of Chicago, has a high school, 6 churches, 3 banks, 1 furniture-factory, 1 paper and 1 pulp mill, 2 wagon and carriage factories, a pill-box factory, 2 iron-foundries, 4 flouring-mills, good hotels, 2 newspapers, and ample water power. Population of village 4630, of township 1909.



    13 - Silverbrook (Niles)

    14 - Johnson

    15 - Calvary Catholic

    16 - Harrah Road (Ives)




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