The Cure

Who can't love the band whose lead singer, Robert Smith, beat up Barbara Streisand on South Park. You go Robbie!

Favorite album:

Disintegration- As Kyle says, "Disintegration is the best album ever!" I wouldn't go that far, but it's certainly in my top ten. Includes: "Plainsong", "Pictures of You", "Last Dance", "Fascination Street", "Prayers for Rain", "Disintegration", "Untitled".

Notable Albums:

Pornography - Their darkest! Includes: "One Hundred Years", "A Short Term Effect", "The Hanging Garden", and "A Stange Day".

The Top - Includes: "Shake Dog Shake", "Give Me It", "The Caterpillar", "Piggy in the Mirror" and "Bananafishbones". Wish - Contains perhaps my favorite Cure song, "From the Edge of the Deep Green Sea". Also Includes: ""High", "Apart", "Trust", "A Letter to Elise", "Cut" and "To Wish Impossible Things".


Nick Cave

From dark and disturbing angry songs to tearful and hearwrenching love songs, Nick is an amazing song writer. And his live show is so intense, it feels like a religious experience.

Favorite Album:

Tender Prey - "The Mercy Seat" is another song in my Top 10. Also includes: "Up Jumped the Devil", "Deanna", "Mercy", "City of Refuge", "Slowly Goes the Night", and "Sugar Sugar Sugar".

Notable Albums:

Let Love In - Includes: "Do You Love Me?", "Loverman", "Jangling Jack", "Red Right Hand", "Thirsty Dog", "Lay Me Low" and "Do You Love Me? (Part 2)".

No More Shall We Part: Includes: "As I Sat Sadly By Her Side", "Hallelujah", "Love Letter", "Fifteen Feet of Pure White Snow", "God is in the House", "Oh My Lord" and "The Sorrowful Wife".

I also recommend his book: And the Ass Saw the Angel.


My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult

Who ever thought disco could be so much fun! If only Donna Summers sang about kinky sex, drugs and Satan.

Favorite Album:

Confessions Of A Knife... - The version of "Kooler Than Jesus" here is not as good as the single, but it works well with the rest of the album. Includes: "A Daisy Chain for Satan", "The Days of Swine and Roses", "Waiting for Mommie", "Ride the Mindway", "Burning Dirt" and "Do You Fear (The Inferno Express?)".

Notable Albums:

Sexplosions - Includes: "The International Sin Set", "Leather Sex", "Dream Baby", "Sexplosion", "Princess of the Queens", "Sex on Wheelz" and "A Continental Touch".

Hit & Run Holiday - A great album cover! Includes: "Hit & Run Holiday", "Glamour is a Rocky Road", "Apollo 69", "Babylon Drifter", "Golden Strip", "The Doris Love Club", "Universal Luxury" and "Hot Blood Risin'"


Joy Division

Tthe poetry of Ian Curtis lives on years after his suicide.

Substance - I don't usually recommend "Best Of" collections, but this one is a must have, especially the CD which inludes all the b-sides. Includes: "Digital", "Autosuggestion", "Transmission", "She's Lost Control", "Dead Souls", "Atmosphere" and "Love Will Tear Us Apart".

Notable Albums:

Unknown Pleasures - Includes: "Disorder", "New Dawn Fades", "She's Lost Contol", "Shadowplay", "Wilderness" and "Interzone".

Closer - Includes: "Atrocity Exhibition", "Isolation", "Passover", "A Means to an End", and "Heart and Soul".


And the rest...

Listen to these bands at my radio station: Darkest Before Dawn.