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Forever More

Part 1 - Hope

Chapter Twelve


   The jet taxied to a stop at the Montreal International Airport. Rebecca and the other passengers removed their carry-on bags from the over heard compartments and exited the plane through the long covered ramp.

Nervous but following instructions given to her by Scott, she made her way to the curb area of the airport and told the porter that she needed a cab which he secured for her. Giving the name of the hotel, the driver shortly thereafter pulled up in front of a large complex. She paid the driver and included the appropriate amount of tip as instructed by Scott, after she had expressed to him her naivete in that area.

Once inside the hotel Rebecca was apprehensive as she approached the desk to ask if they would call Mr. Taylor’s room for her.

"What will I do if they tell me they won’t," Rebecca had lamented to Scott on the phone.

"Don’t worry. I will tell them that I’m expecting you. Besides, its not like they won’t call me."

Rebecca was still worried. She asked. They called. The man at the desk asked her name. Hanging up the phone he gave her the room number and directed her to the elevator that she would need.

The elevator doors opened and about half way down the hall stood Scott leaning against the open door to his room, arms crossed and grinning. "See, I KNEW you’d make it. It wasn’t THAT bad, now was it?"

Rebecca felt a rush of relief come over her as she neared the door. She had made it, airports, taxi cabs and all.

Scott took her bag and they entered the room. He pulled her to him and once again she felt safe in his arms. They stood a moment, lips hungrily devouring lips. Just as Rebecca felt herself slipping away he brought her back to reality.

Mid-kiss he stopped and pulled himself away. "We gotta go," he added quickly with a glint in his eye and a grin on his face as he removed her arms from around his waist.

He took off toward the bathroom leaving her standing there quite let down. She could tell he was enjoying this current state of unfulfillment and puzzlement in which he had left her.

"What? Why?" Rebecca followed him to the door.

"BECAUSE," he stressed the word, "I have to get down to the theater early and work out a few hitches with the set list. Seems I’ve been cut down by about ten minutes."

"Can they DO that?"

"Well, that’s what we have to find out. If so I have to cut something somewhere."

He was now talking while brushing his teeth. "So if you have to change or something, you’d better do it."

Rebecca said that she was fine and stood to watch him shave, splash on cologne and all the other incidentals that were his routine and that she loved to observe. By now there was nothing too personal left to share. Scott had found that out early on in their relationship that sharing home, even on a temporary basis, with two small boys meant no privacy especially in the mornings when all four of them had to make use of the small bathroom at the same time.

Giving Rebecca a wink in the mirror as he drew a comb through relaxed waves that brushed the top of his shoulders. He came out and changed near the bed putting on a shirt that buttoned up with long sleeves that he rolled to the elbows. He changed his jeans as Rebecca sat on the bed and watched. Sitting down next to her he put on clean socks and slipped on a pair of tennis shoes and laced them up. "I promise, we’ll have some time together later after the show." He leaned over and kissed her. "You ready?"

Suddenly Rebecca found herself back in a cab as the two of them headed for the theater that he was appearing that night.

Rebecca kept out of the way and in the shadows. Scott had business to take care of and she did not want to bother him. When he had a minute he would walk over and talk to her and explain something or point out someone by name and tell her who they were or what they did. He was last on a bill of three who were touring as solos for the Gemini record label that winter and spring.

The show started at seven in the evening and the backstage area became much more crowed, noisy and chaotic the last forty-five minutes before the show. By now Scott was merely killing time and she remained close to him as he mingled among familiar faces every so often introducing her to someone by her first name. Some times she felt a bit uncomfortable as a look of inquisitiveness fell upon a person’s face.

This was not only the first time that she had entered Scott’s world but also the first time that she had been anywhere with him where he knew someone. On occasion when he would be able to be with her at home they had gone out to dinner. Mostly with the children, as he knew they enjoyed that, but a few times alone, driving into South Bend, Indiana, not far from where Rebecca lived.

Rebecca had an uneasy feeling that she was being scrutinized by a few who gave her a second look when they thought she hadn’t noticed. She knew they must have been wondering who she was really that she was following Scott around so closely and he obviously didn’t mind and wondering to themselves, Where was Linda?

If Scott thought that anyone was wondering, and Rebecca was sure he was, he made no attempt to clear up their confusion. Rebecca was introduced only by name and nothing else. She did not feel threatened by any of this as it was quite obvious to her that Scott was thrilled that she was there.

The time for the concert to start approached and he asked Rebecca if she had intended to sit back stage or out front. She had never seen him perform before and she admitted that she had looked forward to seeing him on stage from the audience. Good enough, there was a seat for her if she wanted one. Soon she was ushered to that seat to the front of the stage following more instructions from Scott about the use of her access pass after the show.

Rebecca enjoyed the concert and caught glimpses of Scott off to the right as he peered out to check on her every so often.

Then he was introduced. Rebecca’s heart raced! She was so caught up in the excitement of seeing him perform for the first time. She sat, or stood, and marveled at his energy, his range, his talent! She was so proud! This man belonged to her! She was so in love!

When Scott first received a copy of the album that he had recently finished he presented Rebecca with one. As she listened to it she could not help but wonder what all the meanings behind the words really were and who he had written them for. It broke her heart to hear him sing some lyrics that she knew Linda must have played a part, only hoping that one day he would have those same feelings for her.

But that night as Scott sang those very same words he seemed to be singing every one for her. They made eye contact so often and smiled that Rebecca knew people near her noticed. She wanted to scream, "He belongs to me!"

If she had felt love for Scott before this night it seemed like only a tiny portion of what she was feeling now. She was definitely swept into the moment. Where she had been in love with and a believer in the real man she was now a true admirer and fan of the singer, songwriter and musician. She was hooked and he was all hers!

Still whirling from the excitement Rebecca made her way to the back stage area. Scott was now in the midst of the very large crowd that had collected. She eased her way through and when he finally saw her inched his way to meet her.

Throwing her arms around his neck she kissed him. His shirt was sweaty and his hair was wet.

"I take it this means you liked the show?" he asked as she clung to him. "Oh, yes!" Rebecca answered nearly out of breath.

"Come on. I have some other people I’d like you to meet."

Her sudden show of affection had not caused him the least bit of worry in a crowd where he obviously knew many people. Taking her arm and leading her through the throng on their way he would occasionally stop to chat with someone who would grab his attention.

Beautiful girls seemed to be everywhere. Those with long, flowing, silken blond or brunette hair in various stages of dress or undress and most all, Rebecca had decided, were painted into their jeans. She was starting to feel out of place in her dress slacks and matching jacket. Scott didn’t seem to notice and she followed in tow behind him as they made their way to a group near a far wall.

These were obviously closer friends as the others they had met seemed only acquaintances. Once again Scott introduced her as Becky with all the accompanying cocked heads and unanswered questions in their faces. They stood with that group a while and then Scott was drawn away with the promise that he would return soon. Rebecca continued to be part of the group all the while looking and hoping that he would return sooner than later. When he finally did it was the consensus of the group that it was about time to exit the party there and move on to another location.

After much discussion on the part of the three others couples it was decided that they would go back to the hotel that they were evidently all staying at and party in the bar. They had heard that there was a good band. Eleven-thirty found them back at the hotel. Scott excused himself to go back to the room to shower and change adding that they would be back to meet them shortly in the bar. He turned, Rebecca followed.

He quickly undressed and jumped in the shower and then stuck his head out to ask her to bring in a clean T-shirt and underwear from his suitcase. He dressed quickly. A few more hurried kisses and caresses followed by another announcement that "We can’t do this now. We have to go," as Scott laughed and tried to pretend that he wasn’t interested even though he was the one who had started it.

The bar hummed. The band was indeed very good. The other couples had already secured a huge semi circular booth and Scott and Rebecca joined them. The evening was filled with food and good drink and much laughter. Rebecca was enjoying herself very much. It was very obvious to all that the two of them were a couple as their bodies touched so often or he would lean back to rest his arm across the back of her seat. He knew what drink to order for her without even asking.

Still it was all more body language than anything that gave his friends the notion about them. Any real outward signs of affection occurred under the table as Scott held her hand or Rebecca rubbed his thigh.

The band started to play a song and Scott nearly shoved Rebecca out of the booth in his attempt to push her to the dance floor. It was a faster rock song and she saw how much fun he was having. She was too. They laughed and danced and she was so much enjoying this new element of their relationship.

Immediately after the song ended Rebecca turned back toward the table but as a slower one began Scott pulled her back to him sliding his arms about her waist and holding her close. Rebecca rested her head against his cheek. They danced together enjoying a few quiet moments alone in each other’s arms.

Once back at the table they resumed the laughter and the good company. Rebecca excused herself to the ladies room. She was just retrieving a compact from her purse when one of the women from their party joined her. The woman sat down at the mirror and ran a brush through her long blond hair. "So, how long have you known Scott?" she inquired still looking into the mirror.

Rebecca felt uncomfortable. "Oh a few months now. I’m a neighbor of his, actually." she added trying to make a better sounding connection.

"Oh, then you live in the States. Where’s he from?" she added seemingly trying to remember a place that she must have heard but had forgotten.

"Michigan," Rebecca interrupted.

"Oh, yeah, Michigan," she repeated. "I hear he has a really nice place down there. Bill and I have been invited but we haven’t been able to make it yet."

Rebecca was obviously more uncomfortable as she realized that this woman must know Linda. Hoping to avoid any further questions along that line Rebecca quickly shut her compact and tossing it into her purse added a short "Well, see you back at the table," and left.

The woman followed a few moments later and Rebecca avoided eye contact with her for the rest of the evening.

Once again a song started that perked Scott’s interest and he motioned Rebecca toward the floor. Just as before it was followed by a slower ballad and Rebecca found herself again gently rocking in his arms. He would turn his head and softly kiss her hair or cheek as she nestled her lips into his neck. Several times she would lean back to look into his deep blue eyes that penetrated her and caused a sensation to race through her body.

As the song ended they left the dance floor this time with arms around each other. Stopping at the table Scott stood a few moments still with his arm tight about Rebecca’s waist. They chatted a little more and shared a few laughs before Scott announced that they would be heading up to the room.

They said their goodnights to all and Rebecca told everyone how nice it was to meet them. They responded in kind but as Scott escorted her from the bar still with his arm encasing her and pulling her close Rebecca knew that the conversation at the table would soon turn to the two of them.

Scott seemed oblivious to any concern at all from the others and therefore left Rebecca feeling the same way. It was possibly no ones business but theirs who Rebecca really was.

Table of Contents

Chapter Thirteen