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Forever More

Part 3 - . . . And The Greatest Is Love


   Rebecca slid her arm in as the usher lifted his elbow. Scott followed behind the couple as thy made their way up the aisle to be escorted to the second pew of their church. Rebecca sat down, smoothing her dress under her as she did so and crossing her legs. Then she reached over and did the same to Sarah’s. Their children had been seated before them.

Scott leaned over to inspect his family and gave Treage a wink. They were all arrayed in their finest attire. Treage shifted uncomfortably in the seat. Rebecca was now reaching over to push back his blond tousled hair with the hope that it would stay that way. He was quite the handsome little fellow in his white shirt, tie and black tuxedo matching the one that his father now wore.

Sarah looked so grown up sitting next to her mother, like such the little lady that she was. Scott wondered where his little girl had gone.

He reached over and took Rebecca’s hand in his. She is so beautiful, he thought. Her dress for the occasion was a simple straight-lined full length gown of ivory that was slit up the side. The sleeveless bodice and scooped neckline lay closely against her bustline. She wore a single strand of pearls that matched her earrings. Her hair was pulled up and back to reveal the length of her neck.

Scott glanced around to see the many familiar faces of his friends and family as they surrounded them in the nearby pews. Everyone looked so nice all dressed up. He made eye contact with Jon a few rows to the right and behind. He was there with his whole family. Paula was as lovely as ever. Both boys, Jacob, seven and Matthew, now twelve, sat next to her. Kellie was already turning into a very beautiful young lady at fourteen.

Scott’s mother and brothers and sister were also present with their families as was Ethan’s grandmother and aunt on his birth father’s side.

Soon the door off the altar opened and he watched as Ethan took his place to wait for his bride. Ethan’s best friend, Dan, stood beside him as best man and Kyle joined the other attendants in the line.

As Scott watched them pride filled his heart. They had grown into such handsome men. He wondered where all the years had gone since he first saw them that day near the barn back at Becky’s home.

They had become a family and had gone through so much more than one family should have to endure. But somehow they had survived.

Ethan grinned as he leaned into Dan to say a few words, some funny thing that he had thought of, no doubt. His sense of humor was one of his greatest assets. Kyle smiled down at his father and tried to correct his posture and look very cool and nonchalant at the same time.

When finally Lisa came down the aisle to join Ethan, Scott could not help but remember the day over eleven years earlier when he and Becky stood together repeating those same vows. How much more they meant now as he heard them spoken again. He squeezed Becky’s hand in his and she laid her other warmly on top of his.

No wounds that they had ever suffered mattered anymore. True love is unconditional. Learning that neither one could ask the other to forget, they could forgive.

Their love was enduring. That was the one constant that rang true all of their lives together, now and forever more.

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