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FFVIII Draw System


Draw System
Draw System-The draw sytem may seem like a big step down to some of you, but trust me, its not. The draw system is possibly the most unique thing in FFVII. You draw the spell from your enemies(certain enemies hold certain spells) and you can cast it right away, therefore almost using the enemies body against itself. You can also stock it. If you stock it, you get 1-3 of that spell, meaning you can use it that many times. The longer you stock it, the more powerful it will get(this could be dependent on how many battles you go through without using it). Also, the draw can fail, depending on who the drawer is and who the drawee is. Now, to get through the game, you need to stock spells. Sometimes it will do almost 90 percent more damage!!!! The same with a cure spell, the longer you stock it, the more HP it cures.

Fire - Simple Fire explosion. Can be very damaging if stocked for long enough.

-shoots a chain of fire at the enemy, then makes fire swirl a around the enemy.

Blizzard - Makes a large block of ice fall on your enemy, a pretty weak spell.

- Large spike of ice comes up from underneath your enemy. Again, not the most damaging spell in the world.

Thunder- A bolt of lightning comes down from the sky. A good spell to use on normal enemies and robots (except that spider bot in the demo, it didn't seem to work on him very well).

Thundera - The most powerful draw spell in the demo. Use this sparingly unless your'e in a real bind, and make sure you stock lots of them.

Cure - Does exactly what it says. Stock tons of these.