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Final Fantasy VIII Guardian Forces (GF's)


Guardian Force
Summons are very different this time around. Also, summons now have "hit points". These are used while the summon is being charged. The summon takes damage if the caster is hit, but the caster takes none. If a summons hit points run out, then it can not be used for the rest of the battle. Summons are a major part of the junction system also. They can gain abilities and level up like characters. They can not be played in battles though, only summoned.

Siren - Her summon ability is called Silent Voice. It starts off with a sea and dark clouds in the sky. Then the screen zooms into a rock with a figure standing on it. The figure opens her wings and appears to be Siren. She then flies off of her rock and plays her harp. The sunlight penetrates the clouds and all enemies are silenced. At later levels silent voice does light damage.

Siren Siren2

Pandemonium - Pandemonium is a wind spirit. Take a look at the pics below and you'll know what I'm saying. Pandemonium is supposed to be a very physically damaging Guardian. That thing on its ass is supposed to be a tail, but it looks more like a vacuum cleaner bag to me.

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Ifrit - Ifrit lives again!!! Everyone's favorite flame elemental returns in the newest FF. Ifrits special move is called hellfire, and its abilities are Fire-Based Attack, Charge and Fire Magic Refinement. Ifrit1 Ifrit2

Shiva - Shiva, the counterpart of Ifrit is also returning in the latest FF. Her special move, as always is called Diamond Dust. Its obviously an ice elemental attack. Shiva's special abilities are Death Sentence, Magic Power +10%, Ice Magic refinement.

Shiva Shiva1 Shiva2 Shiva3 Shiva4

Leviathan - Leviathan is the summon that was available in the demo. It has 200 hit points, and its special move is Tsunami. First, it oozes out of Limbo T-1000 style, and then solidifies. After that it flies up towards the sky, creating a mountain as it goes. It coils around itself at the top of the mountain and there is a bright flash. The Leviathan is gone and there is water rushing down the mountain at the enemies. If the enemies are killed by this, then they are washed away along with the water. Its junction abilities are Recovery and Support Magic Refinement.


Alexander - Alexander is the big steam engine of every undead's nightmares. He's returning from the previous FFs, and his move is Holy Justice. He probably does bonus damage to undead creatures since he does holy damage. His junction abilities are Defense Junction and a bonus to max mp.

Alexander Alexander2

Kochocobo - Kochocobo is summoned by an item rather than a spell. It runs onto the screen and seems distraught for a second. Then it remembers what its doing and casts chocofire on the enemies. I don't think that it will have any junction abilities since its not an official G.F. spell. It could be the small chocobo that follows squall around while he's riding on the larger chocobo.

Kochocobo Kochocobo1 Kochocobo2

Quetzalcoatl - Quetzalcoatl is the lightning element. It is described as being absolutely magnificent. Its summon ability is called Thunderstorm and it junction abilities are Magic Junction, Magic Power +10%, and Thunder Magic Refinement.

Quetzacotl Quetzacotl2 Quetzacotl3

Bahamut - Bahamut, the name makes you want to jump for joy and play every FF 5 times over again. Bahamut is one of the most widely known Summons from any FF, and he played a larger role in FF7 because 3 summons bore his name. He returns this time with a bang. We are not sure If Neo Bahamut or Bahamut Zero will make an appearance in FFVIII. This Bahamut however does a very cool move, just look at the pics below.

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Cerberus - Cerberus is the three headed dog that guarded the gates of Hades in Greek mythology. He looks more like a 3 headed dragon in FFVIII, but I think its probably best that way. Now, this pic below is a definite Cerberus pic. We have seen other pics that may be Cerberus, but It might be the return of Lich or Hades, so were not quite sure.

Cerberus Cerberus2

Minotaur and Sacred - Minotaur is just what he sounds like, Sacred is supposedly his brother, so they are most likely bull headed things. In the pic below one is purple and the other is white (armor). However, it is not known if they are one summon or if each brother has his own summon. They carry around maces and are most likely a combat spell. Also, we know from Heriod(thank you!!!) that the words on the brothers sheilds mean brothter in chinese.

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Dinosaur (Carbunkle?) - This thing is most likely a restorative / defensive Guardian. It looks like a little dinosaur with rabbit ears to me, but you make the call. Judging from some other pics I've seen this may put your characters defense up a bit when it is cast.

Dinosaur1 Dinosaur2

Ragnarok ...remember Final Fantasy VI - This thing is most likely also a restorative / defensive Guardian but unlike the Carbunkle it also has destructive propertiers. Nothing much have been said about this by Square but judging from some other pics I've seen this may put your characters' defense and offense by a very large margin when it is cast. Rumor has it that it will also give you the Ragnarok Sword! A very powerful Sword beleived to be more powerful than the Atma Weapon in FF8!

Ragnarok1 Ragnarok2