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This is a breif description of how to use the junctioning system in Final Fantasy VIII

Descriptions to use with diagrams above and etc................

1. The window for the Guardian force-After a battle, the guardian force will gain experiance points. When it reaches a new level, it will gain new abilities and enhance its stats. Other times it will give the character special abilities or enhance their stats.

2. GF menu-The GF menu is where you will equip/junction Guardian Forces. You can chhose to junction the strongest G.F. you ahve, and you can look at a list of abilities a certain Guardain Force already has.

3. The help window-not quite sure just what this does yet. It could be a tutorial or something like that.

4.The character image-nothing important

5. The amount of experience the character has and how much experience he needs until the next level.

6. Guardians being used-This tells which Guardians are already being used by different party members. You cannot equip a Guardian that is being used by another person. It is not known if there is two of the same Guardian in the game or if you can equip multiple Guardians.

7. Guardians owned-Here the Guardians that you have are shown. Leviathan and Ifrit are shown here. The arrows at the bottom mean that there are previous and following pages. The J near the 20 says that the Guardian is being used right now.

8. Guardian Levels-The red bar under the G.F.'s shows the current level of a guardian. When a Guardian gets to its highest level it undergoes an amazing change.

9. Character Parameters-This shows the stats of a character((They mean,  at the left row from the top, HP=4000, striking power=40, defensive power=30, magic power=30, magic defensive power=30. At the right row from the top, speed=30, luck=12, evasive probability=7%, hit probability=50%)These figures will not change when you equip a Guardian. The parameters increase as the characters level goes up. The figures will change according to what magics (draw) you have in junction.

10. The window of the junction ability-When you set a draw magic in junction to strengthen your character, you will use this. You might not be able to use this until after a Guardian has learned some junction abilities.

11. Magic Junction Menu-This is where you equip draw magics on your character. If you choose "saikyo"(strongest) it will equip the magic that will strengthen you the most.

12. Stocked Magic-This will show all the magic that your character has drawn and stocked. The triangles at the bottom of the page mean that there are previous and following pages.

13. The character status menu-This shows the status that your character is in, and what status he is invulnerable to. From left to right and left to right again, the icons are poison,instant death by magic, petrification,silence and blindness.

14. Available Battle Commands-This shows the commands the character can use. Shown here are fight,magic,draw and item. More commands will become available as the Guardian learns mor command abilities. Other commands are steal and X-item(use an item twice).

15. Equipped weapon-This shows the weapon your character has equipped. This one says Gunblade1. The numbers after the name is shown is said to be important, but nothing is known about it as of yet.

16. Junctioned Magic  This character has 6 junctions: HP, striking power, defensive power, magic power, magic defensive power, speed, evasive probability and hit probability. Magics fire, thunder and heal are set to the three of them, HP, speed and hit probability here. (fire to HP, thunder to speed, and heal to hit probability) The more magics you set, the stronger the character will become by using all the power of the magics set. Also, there are some effects of the property. For example, if you set fire to striking power junction, fire property will be added to your attack. Just the same, if you set protect to defensive power junction, you will have less damage by the enemy's attack. If you set blizard to defensive power junction, the attacks with blizard property be lightened. These have the same efficiancy that flamemail or other equipment that appeared in FF7.