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The Psychic Pokemon Connection

Royal Subjects of King Poliwhirl

RIOTS..SPYS...and whats this MARTIAL LAW all about? Meet Prince Neddie! Level: 57 Skills: Acid Armor, Aurora Beam, Crabhammer, Mega Punch. Hopes and dreams: To one day walk the land like King Poliwhirl... To one day become King... and one day Bounce around like a monkey. what has Neddie accomplished? He has eliminated 12 fleets of pikachus while King Poliwhirl was out of town playing russian glass.
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YOU HAVE INSULTED MY PRIDE! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL! GUNS AT DAWN! Meet Chieftan Roswald! Age:36 Skills:Black market, Gun slinger, Cheap Imitations, and Bartering. Hopes and dreams: To rid the world of the Evil Pikachu and then meet the Machines of Loving Grace. Occupation: Poliwhirl Kingdoms Chieftan and part time bouncer, gameshow host, and bartender. What he did to get "No respect at all":He went mad for a month and burned sector 7-G of the Kingdom to a crisp. He is now looked down upon by millions.

Poor prince Neddie... Having to be next to that blubber idiot of a chieftan, Roswald.After seeing thy wonderful subjects. Won't you join us at the main page?