Behind The Scenes - Finale

Chapter Five
There is definitely some time at the hospital, and then, back to the Theater!?

After Joseph had literally ‘saved the day’, the cast was all taken to the hospital, hurt or not. A few of the nurses cared for the cuts and bruises some of the cast had, while Josh and Ron had to be taken to intensive care, and the doctors also wanted a look at Jason.
Ryan was sitting in a seat in the large room the cast had been taken to, she had a nurse cleaning the cut on her forehead, and looking at her head where the spoon had hit. But she didn’t care, and Holly, Tiffany and Joesy could see how worried she was for Josh, staring into space almost.
"Ryan?" Randy asked, walking over. Ryan blinked a few times then looked up.
"Hey Randy, some night huh.."
"Yeah…" Ryan frowned, she could see that Randy was still very upset about Jason. Ryan looked at the ground.
"I’m sorry about Jason…."
"So is everyone else…. I miss him… but there’s really only a certain amount of time someone can have pity on them before dismissing it as if it were nothing. Ryan, the doctors said they don’t know if Josh’ll pull it through or not, and their starting to wonder about Ron."
Ryan closed her eyes.
The girls on the other side of the room were all downcast as well, weather they had a boyfriend in the O.R. or not.
The entire cast spent the rest of the night in the hospital, and in the morning all of them called their families. The doctors had the horrible task of calling Jason’s family.
The next morning Ryan and the rest of the cast found out that Josh and Ron had successfully come out of the O.R. alive. Ryan had imedeatly requested to go sit with Josh, and Randy wanted to sit with Ron.
Ryan walked into the room Josh was in silently, closing the door behind her. She frowned, the only sounds she heard was the beeping of the heart monitor and the deep breathing.
"Josh? Are you awake?" She whispered sitting in the chair by the bed. She sighed, she hated the smell of hospitals. She tenderly ran her hand down his arm.
"Yeah.. I’m awake." Josh mumbled, turning his head to look at Ryan. He smiled. "I braved Macavity and survived." He muttered, then looked up as if it were some great honor.
"It was a truly death defying stunt." She said. Josh turned to look at her again, his face held with a serious expression.
"Ryan, are you going to go back to the theater? I mean, if Fatrisha, Joseph and the others decide to keep going? Since our ‘psycho killer’ is dead?"
"Of course so!" Ryan said.
"Good, because, well, I really wanted you to come back with me."
Ryan smiled, and blushed.
"The doctors said you were really worried about me.. why?"
Josh proped himself up on his good arm, with a slight wince. Ryan looked up, embarrased.
"Well… I like you." She whispered.
He smiled sauvely.
"Really? Me too… I mean, you.." They laughed tensly.
"So you’re going back to the theater?"
"I would hope so!" Another voice said, Ryan looked over her shoulder as Robyn, on crutches, walked in.
"Hey guys. I heard about the ‘psycho killer’ incident, I talked to Fatrisha, and Joseph, they said, they were going to continue with the show, and if anyone here still wants to be in it, since they’ve already been cast, they can stay. But we’ll have to add a few more rehearsals if anyone here decides not to go through with it." She said with a smile.

The next week, after changes had been made, and a few auditions were held, it was back to the theater for many of the cast members. The only people who didn’t stay were, Randy and Ron, and sadly Jason. Whom had been added into the curtain call as a nice little tribute to him. Josh and Ryan had come up with the idea.
"Josh!" Ryan called, in the lobby of the Winter Garden Theater in New York City.
The cast had already been to three states, and was now touring in New York, and the entire time, Josh, Ryan, Peter, Tiffany, Danny, Jessica and Holly had remained. The other cast members either had complications with family get togethers, so they couldn’t tour, and others, frankly, just didn’t want to. The seven friends had no idea why.
Josh turned his head, and Ryan ran towards him. Even thought they were now dating, they hadn’t seen each other since the New Jersey tour, three days ago. The tour was going to be a world-wide tour, and the seven cast members had just gotten into the routine.
Tiffany and Peter smiled as they walked in, Ryan and Josh still hugging.
"So, are you all ready for tonight’s performance?" Danny said as he and Jessica walked into the lobby.
It was only 4:30, and the show was at 7:45, the first show they would perform in NYC.
"Yeah, I’m ready." Josh said.
"Ready as always captain." Ryan said with a fake accent, giving a sharp, backwards, wrong handed salute to Danny. Josh smiled, and Danny laughed.
"All right you seven, since your the first ones here, we can work on some of them solos yous got." Robyn said, in her high-spirited hyper-active voice, looking at the seven. "Get your costumes on, then its to the theater!" She said, walking out in a dramatic waltz. The seven looked at each other, and laughed.
